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Anna's POV
The needle was only to scare her. I didn't mean to send her to a full panic attack. I opened the door and she ran out like a lost kitten.

I heard a door slam to her room as I sighed loudly. I rubbed my forehead in frustration as I went to mine.

I looked at the knife that was sitting on top of the dresser high enough for no one to spot it.

The two initials represent Scarlet Dixon and... Skylar Dixon. I always wonder what her name was as I went through the years.

Dad always pushed me to kill people, never really liked doing it but torture is kinda in my roll.

I know sounds bad I just... I put all my thought into getting what I want. I've never had anyone talk back at me.

That's where Scarlet comes in has a problem. I've never had someone be that much of brat to me.

"Miss Shumate?" I heard a knock.

"Lunch is almost ready. Shall I get Ms. Dixon?" He asked me as I shook my head.

"I'll get her." I mumbled walking across the hall.

I knocked on the door only to be responded with silence. When I knocked again she yelled go away.

I rolled my eyes grabbing the key to the door and opening it. I looked at her as the room was trashed entirely.

She looked at me as I just stared at the trashed room.

"I'll have someone come and clean this for you." I said.

She didn't say anything g as she was on the bed. Her legs pulled to her chest as she stared at me.

"Lunch is ready if you want to come." I mumbled.

"I don't want anything." I heard as I sighed.

I closed the door but didn't lock it. I had her guard stand at the door until a maid comes in.

I walked downstairs to be greeted with Tommy and my mom.

"And where is Brandon?" I asked as they looked at me.

"He's probably be outside playing." Tommy said as I groaned going out to the back.

"Brandon!" I yelled as he popped his head out from a hole he's dugged out.

"What is this..." I said and he looked at me with dirt all over his clothes.

"A hole? Duh?" He said as he got out and wiping his hands.

"Don't smart with me. Fill it back up." I said and he huffed at me.

He went inside to eat first. When I went in after him he ran into someone. Scarlet...

"Your very pretty." Brandon said as I kept him moving on to his seat.

She looked at me before moving on. She had gotten her stuff for being a miss and went back.

The maid assigned to clean her room was down here as I walked over to her.

"What the fuck." I said and she looked at me.

"She rejected my knock for the door. And her guard had me thrown out!" She said and than quickly walking away.

I walked upstairs to see the guard. I pushed him out of the opening the door. I looked at her as she was cleaning her own room.

"Follow me please." I said and she looked at me.

Luckily she did as I led her to another room. This room was much bigger with a bigger bed. She looked at me walking in.

"Had them out a wardrobe in." I said and she looked through.

It was a combination of everything. Sweatshirt, sweatpants, dresses and a lot of other clothes.

I closed the door but heard it open and my name. I looked at her and she was playing with her fingers.

"Thank you." She said and I smiled.

"Of course... darling."


"Anna, you don't get to tell me your falling for this girl." I heard seeing my brother barge in.

"What girl?" I asked and he got angrier.

"Fucking Scarlet Dixon. You didn't have what it takes to kill her 19 years ago." He said.

"She was blind." I said.

"Oh really." He whispered.

"Our father died to a wimp." He said while walking.

"That's because he killed someone with a cheap shot." I said and he got angrier.

"So what? He killed a someone with their back turned!" He yelled.

"That's their fault, should have looked at the surroundings." He said as his face got closer.

He grabbed his gun and walking with heavy footsteps. I groaned following him until I knew where he was going.

He slammed the door opening as he pointed the gun at Scarlet. She was just waking up from the slam. I looked at Tommy as he cocked the gun.

"Tell me something. Are you blind." He asked as she looked terrified.

"Only in my left eye." She whispered.

"Oh that's amazing." He said before we heard the gunshot.


Guys... the urge to have a wolf cut with dyed colored hair at the tips. UGH

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