-ch. 35

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Warning- Mature Content

God she was so beautiful.

Her chocolate brown eyes could keep him in a trance for days. So doe and puppy like filled with curiosity and wonder about the world she had yet to experience.

How is it possible for someone to be so innocent and pure? For someone to be that kind and loving even after all she had been through.

Caspien tried to not think about the trauma and torture she must've went through for all of her life. He couldn't wrap his mind around how someone could be that cruel to her.

The mere thought of someone simply yelling at the girl brought rage to his stomach.

His sorry excuse for an uncle was trying to take him from her.

His angel.

He was trying to destroy her piece by piece and use her for his perverted gain.

And her sweet naive mind was going to go willingly into his trap. Just to earn his forgiveness.

Emilio didn't deserve any apologies, he didn't deserve any mercy. He didn't even deserve to breathe the same air as her.

  Part of him was enraged that she would even think of going back to him. That she would talk to that scumbag and keep it hidden from him.

But he knew that his sweet girl didn't know any better. She was brought up to believe that she had to be obedient and a good girl in order to be a decent human being.

Every fiber within his being needed to make sure that she was okay, and safe. She was so clueless to how cruel people could be— and were being to her. Yet she accepted it with kindness. It pissed him off that someone could take advantage of her like that.

A chuckle rumbled in his chest as she watched the girls brows furrow in concentration. Her eyes narrowed on the coloring book in front of her and she had her tongue slightly sticking out of the side of her mouth in concentration.

Her eyes snapped up to him hearing the chuckle come from him. He watched as they widened and a blush tinted her cheeks before quickly turning back to her coloring.

A smirk settled on his lips at the affect he had on her. 

A phone ringing suddenly brought him out of his thoughts, making him groan. Bringing the phone up to his ear he answered. 

"Yes?" He mumbled, his eyes still lingering on the sweet girl sitting in front of him.

"We found him!" The voice responded over the phone, making a relief wash over Caspien. The thought of his uncle roaming free, sending threats made his blood boil.

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