"S-she sai-id t-tha-at?!" I asked, barely talking.

"Yeah" James said.

Niall's phone cutted us from laughing, he took his phone out and answered it.

"Hello Justin?" Niall said.

He then looked over at me and smiled.

"Shes- I mean we are kinda busy".

'Me?' I thought.

Niall laughed then said. "No, we are not making out".

As he said that, my cheeks reddened from embarresment.

"We have friends compaying us right now selena".

'Selena, I should've guessed" I thought.

"Alright, I'll let her talk to you later" Niall said. "Alright bye" then he hung up.

"We should probably get going" James said.

"No stay" I said.

"We would love to, but we have a plain to catch tomorrow" Katy said smiling . "We came here to congratulate you guys".

"Going to England?" Niall asked.

"Yup" Katy said. "We still have to congratulate the others".

They stood up and headed to the door, as me and Niall followed them. Katy hugged me, as James did the same to Niall then they switched. Then they pulled away.

"It was so nice meeting you guys" I said smiling as Niall slung his arm around my shoulder.

"The pleasure is ours" James said.

Niall waited till they drove away then he closed the door. "It's 11:00p.m.... wanna call Selena back or go to bed?"

"Let me call her" I said.

He gave me his 'Iphone 101'. My grandmother once said that Iphone comapany was bulit since 2007. I grabbed his phone and dialed Justin's number.

"I'll be upstairs, alright?" Niall said. I nodded.

"Hello?" Selena's voice rung through the phone. 

"Hello" I said in a happy tone.

"How are you? You sound.. happy?"

" Indeed I am. I'm super great" I said as I walked into the living room. My eyes caught the mess on the dining table. "But I still have dishes to wash"

"No way! You, Zoe Hamilton, wash dishes in your own will?!"


Oh my god! I remember when Laura used to threaten you to wash them" she said lightly laughing.

I laughed along with her. "And believe it or not, I cooked speghettie with meat balls and fries and I even baked cookies".

She loudly gasped. "Who are you? And what have you done to my Zoe?"

I laughed again. "Your Zoe is talking to you honey, don't worry she didn't go anywhere" I said as I headed to the table and picked the plates then headed to the kitchen.

"I really need to talk to you, leave the washing thing to Niall, I mean you cooked he's supposed to wash".

"Just wait a minute" I said as she groaned.


I sat on the couch after finshing washing the dishes then dialed Justin's number again.

"Hello?" Justin said through the phone.

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