Lesson 1 To Lose And To Win

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In life, you will experience both to lose and to win. Yes, I've been through a lot. Yes I did lose at the start, but look at me now. I went from being the most hated worthless living girl, to this magnetic independent rich woman.

Before, I would sit on the school bench waiting for someone to be friends with me. But today, I'm sitting on a Versace couch looking down at people whom are begging to be friends with me. Today, I'm a winner.

The people who had bullied me before and who I would consider as "lucky people", they have lost everything today and are living a hell of a life today.

Take Travis as an example, he didn't have the bestest childhood ever. And the society he's living in is terrible. At the start he did lose, and at the end he is going to remain in the same place. Because it's up to the universe and God what you will experience first. But that does not mean that you are not responsible for your own actions. If Travis had waited and worked on himself instead of drinking and vaping underage, sell drugs and play with girls feelings, he would have opened the door of blessings into his life and he would already have become a winner. But he has lost in life and always will remain like that because of his actions.

There's no excuse into going the wrong way. We all have a brain and we all have a sixth sense, and that's common sense. We all know when we are doing something right or when we are doing something wrong. So if you are losing right now, just get exited for the future, because at the end, you are going to win. That is if you haven't already taken the wrong path. If you have taken the wrong path, it's never too late to go to the right one.

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