Second Chance Betrayal

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I didn't know how to feel about that, but I accepted it because I started trusting him again. After that, our relation started becoming a tiny bit better. We would text and call each other again. However, whenever we would call, he would be very distracted. Because he was texting Marie while talking to me.

Even when we would hang out he would text her, and they would argue about me. I found that very odd and asked him what was going on. He told me that Marie didn't really like me. He said that she hated me, and meant that I was only with Travis for his body. She would also call me things like "idiot" and "whore". She also didn't like him texting or calling me. I found that very odd, it sounded like their relation was more than a friendship. So I asked him about it, and he answered by saying that it was nothing like that and that she was like a sister to him. However, after a while, he said that Marie had been catching feelings for him. Even after all this, he was still friends with her?? And me? I couldn't even have one guy friend!

I felt like something was going on, so I asked one of my friends to do a loyalty test on him. She agreed with me and added him on snap. When she asked him what he looked like, he sent a picture of himself vaping with one of his other friends. I was so shocked because he had promised me not to do it! And when she asked him if he was single, he answered by saying "I just broke up with someone and I don't think I'm ready for another relationship, however, I'll let you know". I was so shocked, however I didn't talk about that to him I let it go.

A few days later after the loyalty test, Travis called me and we had a normal conversation as usual. But then, he said that he had joined a gang. I was shocked for a sec, but I accepted it as long as they didn't sell drugs, vaped, drink or came in trouble with the police. All of the things I had mentioned, was exactly the things they did. I got furious. Drug selling was my last straw. I screamed at him for the first time in my life. He started tearing up and hung up our call. Then the texted me "it's your fault for falling in love with a bad guy". And after that, he needed a break from me and he started hanging out with Marie more. But then, I had enough of him so I forced him to call me. After he called me, I told him that it was not okay for him to hang out with Marie and it was not okay to do illegal things and have criminal records. Then he told me that he wasn't going to change for me, so if I didn't like it, I was free to leave him, and that's what I did.

Be Better, Or stay Bitter. Self Love Journey.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora