From About To Die, To Wanting To Die.

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When I was younger, I was diagnosed with something that is called for thallassaemia beta. Short said,  it is a disease where you have issues with the iron in your blood. It's a genetic blood disorder that affects the production of hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen. I would always go to the hospital with my father every two weeks to get blood transported into my body. This disease is quite similar to blood cancer. Therefore I tell everyone it's blood cancer to avoid a long explanation. This disease made me physically and mentally weak, which also led me to feel less worth than others. I carried this disease from when I was a baby, to when I newley turnerd 9 years old. Which means, I had to deal with this disease during school as well. Allot of challenges appeared both before and after I had this disease, and this is how I managed to survive in this generation.

I would never have a voice in school. I had no friends, and the teachers treated me poorly. I was the youngest and the weakest kid in class. I always had an issue with making friends ever since kindergarten. People wouldn't really like me. I would never know why, and I still haven't gotten the answer to this question. I was always a big hearted person. I guess kids only like badass people.

In kindergarten, kids would always run away from me. They would include me to games and plays, but they would later secretly try to run away from me and leave shut me out of the play. I had this issue in school as well. But at least I made one friend, Veronica.

I had a friend named Veronica in elementary school, and I would enjoy being with her. However, she was quite popular, she was friends with  almost the whole school. I would always feel jealous when she would give others attention and include them whenever we hung out. Some of them would also be really rude to me. Because of this issue, I would always sit alone on the school bench, waiting for someone to reach out for me. When no one came to me,  I would start to cry, carrying the thought of being different. I would always think for myself, why did no one like me? Why was I such a loser? What was I doing wrong?

Be Better, Or stay Bitter. Self Love Journey.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat