Family Drama

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My whole life, I've been fat shamed by my aunt, grandma and especially my uncle. They would always make me insecure by letting me know how fat I was and how useless I was even though I wasn't fat.

My weight has always been a problem for my family till now. Not only that, they had also now started comparing me to my cousins who are faker than Barbie. They would keep reminding me how skinny they are and how good they are at school and how useless I am. My aunt, uncle and grandma are so toxic that they don't even deserve to be called for "my family". And my cousins? My cousins are two faced. They will be nice on your face, but behind your back, they start to talk rubbish about you. My cousins are the definition of two faced demons.

I'm not going to go deep into this subject. But my family is so so toxic that no one is to be trusted on besides my mum, dad and my siblings. They don't care about us. Whenever they had a problem, they would always come to us and ask my mum for lots and lots of money. They would only treat us as if we were a bank company. We all had enough of them. Therefore, we decided to block my "family" out of our lives.

My toxic family were the main reason why I was insecure about myself and why I always felt fat no matter how skinny I was. Because of them, I never got to feel my beauty.

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