The Black List

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I ran into the bathroom to take a shower. Things went well from there, until my teacher came rushing into the room and banged on the bathroom door. She shouted at me and said that I was late for dinner, and because, of that I ended up on the black list.

After hearing that, I rushed out of the bathroom with my pj pants on because I had no other pants left. My hair was still very wet, but I didn't care. I was fearing for my life with the thought that I was late and that I ended up on the black list. When I sat on the table with the rest of my class, everyone looked at me. I started tearing up. Everything had gone wrong that day and I just wanted to go home.

Everyone looked confused and asked why I was crying. My teacher came before I could answer the question and told me to come with her. She looked at my tired, red, wet eyes and asked what was wrong. Did she really ask me that? She literally said that I had ended up on the black list. I told her what was wrong, and then she said "oh A.J, you aren't on the black list. I just wanted you to hurry up and come downstairs." She said that without feeling sorry and I was about to rage out on her. But before that could happen, Christopher came. He took me out on a walk in the woods and I told him everything that had happened.

He hugged me and told me these things happens to every girls and that I shouldn't be embarrassed at all.

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