Last Days of Camping

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I became Christopher's girlfriend. Not because I liked him, but rather because I wanted to help him. I wanted to fill him up with the things he was missing.

Every night we would start hanging out and go out into the woods and see the stars while talking about deep things. And then, we would also start hanging out in the daytime. We started hanging out so much that Angel started feeling left out, and my dumbass didn't see that. However, me and Angel had a strong connection. I could feel it whenever she was crying, being happy or being annoyed/angry. I could often feel her crying alone in our room, I would often go upstairs to check in on her before going out with Christopher.

I knew something was wrong, but I'm not a fortune teller so I never really understood what was bothering her. Even tho the answer was really obvious.

When we were taking the ship back to our city, was the day I told Angel that me and Christopher had a relation. She kept warning me that there's something off about this guy, but I wasn't willing to listen to her.

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