Camp School

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Christopher asked me to be his girlfriend. I didn't like him the same way, so I politely declined the offer. We continued to be normal friends, until camp school entered. Everyone was obliged to go there. And the worst part was, that we weren't allowed to take our phones with us.  When we were inside the ship on our way to the boarding school, I was crying because I had a terrible feeling abou this. My feelings are almost always right, so whenever I get a bad feeling about something,  something bad happens. My feelings are always correct.

When we arrived after 2 hrs of being in the ship, we met the people who worked there. They looked so cold and mean. I know that you aren't supposed to judge a book by it's cover. But at this point, I was right. They told us that we would wake up really early because we were going to go out on walks for hours in the forest with big heavy bags in the cold winter weather.  And if we were late, we would appear on the blacklist and get punished. Was this a camp? Or a military base? The next day, I had gotten my period. However, I woke up really late and I was really scared of getting punished, so I left the pad and ran out as fast as I could. If I was 30  more seconds late, I'd be on the black list.

We were out in the cold for hours and I  had sevear period cramps, I told the people that worked on the camp about it but they simply didn't care.  When we came back  to our camp, some of the boys saw the big red stain that I had gotten on my pants.  I was so embarrased and ran to my room. When I had arrived to my room,  I started panicking because I had no other pair of pants left. Emma saw the big stain and she started to laugh. What a jerk.

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