13. Monster In Us

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Sorry for uploading late I was busy with my assignment

But as promised here's the chapter



If you were to ask me, "How's life?" it's a blend of freedom intertwined with loneliness.

Over the past three months, it's been mere existence rather than truly living. I feel like a body without a soul, a shell devoid of its pearl.

It's the kind of freedom I yearned for, but came with a package of being alone. It's like being submerged in water with no one reaching out to rescue me.

Loneliness becomes a constant companion despite my pursuit of freedom.

Its an existence painted in shades of grey , where each sunrise brings a new day to live through , yet without the colour of joy or passion. I wonder if this time will pass , like a grey cloud that moves away and bring back bright sunrise and a clear sky .

Over the past few months , I’ve been consumed by anger and a strong desire for revenge , completely altering who I am .. in this process I LOST THE OLD ME

Although I seem tough on the outside , inside , I’m actually a bit nervous. The little girl inside me remains fearful of him. The monster my mother shielded me is still free, and the fear lingers.

What if he reappears or, worse
Or maybe he  simply doesn't care about my existence? Strangely like he ever cared about me duhh , and I am thankful for that like AS IF I give a fuck about him !

Living alone scares me, but I'm bracing myself for the future. Now, there's no one waiting for me at the dinner table, no one to stay awake when I return late at night, and no one to call home.

The sounds within the hostel compound make me feel even more alone , as if deliberately reminding me of its emptiness.

Every shadow seems to conceal haunting memories I've struggled to bury. Silence feels suffocating, making it hard to breathe.

Being alone feels like a suffocating hug that tighten as time goes on.
The fear of his potential return from the darkness, the uncertainty of facing it alone—it's a chilling reality that sends shivers down my spine.

The morning sun slips through the curtains, painting my messy hostel room with streaks of light. Brushes, papers, and clothes clutter the space while my phone rings persistently, disrupting the calmness I hate being a morning person; I’m a life of night.

But it's my best friend, ugh! She's training me into a shooting and boxing class. Oh, yeah, there have only been two good things that happened in these last few months.

Divya has started walking again. My dear friend is a fighter and a spoiled princess for sure; she always gets what she wants. This is the new D; our sad eyes have turned into angry ones because we've got a lot of unfinished business.

I pick up her call. "I'm on my way," I lie before letting her speak. "Bitch, I know you just woke up. Come out fast, I'm outside the hostel," she says, cutting the call. My bitch knows me too well.

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