Chapter 38 - From the best to the stupidest

Start from the beginning

 You have seen more than one person fully naked.

 He just had his shirt off. Nothing more.

 There is absolutely nothing to think about so deeply.

 Look at Neuvillette. He doesn't think too deeply about the matter.

 He just thinks you are handsome, your hair looks good, you have well-built muscles and he doesn't mind the scars...




 Let's just not think about Neuvillette.

 Yeah, that's a better idea.

 Much better.

 It's just kind of impossible, isn't it?

 Since he is right in front of me.

 I swear the heavens must have sent this guy to destroy my sanity.

 How can he just say something like that so casually?!


 Enough of that!

 I should concentrate on the matter at hand.

 Right, the conversation.

 Where were they at?

 "I disagree!" Sigewinne shouted.

 "I disagree as well." Freminet followed suit, albeit much softer.

 Neuvillette sighed at their words.

 "If you don't want to look at it from that side, how about we look at it from a different angle? Putting the good things aside, we both have faults. I work too much and can rarely come to spend time with you. Wriothesley on the other hand is overly reckless and thinks too little for his own safety."

 Ouch, but fair enough.

 Had it not been for certain circumstances, I would have probably found a safer job after adopting Sigewinne.

 I thought Neuvillette's reasoning was on point. Freminet obviously did not.

 "Uncle Neuvillette, if we're talking about recklessness and disregarding your own safety, I doubt anyone could top you. I don't think I have to remind you that our last diving session was canceled because Doctor Baizhu had to pull a bullet from your shoulder the night before." He said bluntly.

 I could see Neuvillette's gentle smile crack slightly.


 That bullet wound...

 I would love to know all about that.

 Especially since it obviously wasn't reported.

 "Now, now, Freminet. I'm not that bad-"

 "Two weeks before that it was Mr. Alhaitham bringing Lyley and Lynette to their lesson since you weren't allowed out of bed for some reason." He continued.

 "I just had a bad cold."

 Neuvillette tried to defend himself, only to receive a doubtful look not only from Freminet but even Sigewinne.

 "Not very believable, mister. Especially since Ms. Nahida and I saw Dad carry you to your car not even a week ago." Sigewinne stated.


 They saw that?

 "Really?" Freminet looked at her in surprise.

 "Yep! I even have a picture."

 A picture?!

 I couldn't even process what she was saying before she pulled out her phone and showed a pretty clear picture of me carrying Neuvillette.

 Damn it.

 I forgot that Nahida's office has a window that way.

 The two looked at the picture, then looked at each other, looked up at us, only to look at each other again and shake hands.

 "They are both stupidly reckless." They said at the same time.


 That's how you end the argument?!


 It starts with which of us is the best and ends with the fact that we're both equally bad?

 "How about getting in the car now, you two?" Neuvillette sighed.

 Moments later while I was adjusting Sigewinne's car seat, I once again noted one little detail.

 Last time Neuvillette came all the way to my workplace to get the car seats for the elder siblings, but now, the younger one didn't have one.

 In the end, I couldn't help but ask.

 "Is there a reason the twins need a booster seat and he doesn't?"

 Neuvillette suddenly looked incredibly tired after hearing my question.

 It was Freminet who answered instead.

 "Uhm... Well... Mister..."


 "Nice to meet you, Mr. Wriothesley. I'm Freminet." He introduced himself.

 "Nice to meet you too."

 I reached back from the driver seat and he timidly shook my hand. A stark difference from how fiercely he had just argued with Sigewinne moments ago.

 "So... Uncle Neuvillette told them- Well, he told all three of us that if we behaved in the car, the booster seat can go since we're tall enough. Lyney can't sit still for long and Lynette gets easily influenced by him so..."

 "They stay in the seat?"


 I turned to send an amused look at Neuvillette.

 "This punishment has a time limit, you know." I pointed out.

 "Yes, and it seems to be already there. I just haven't figured out anything else as of yet." Neuvillette rubbed his tempels.

 "How about no electronics in the car?"

 That usually works with Sigewinne.

 "Uhm... Mr. Wriothesley... No electronics in the car is kind of a standard rule with Uncle Neuvillette. He prefers we stay off our phones and just talk or something along those lines. Uncle Neuvillette is very strict about this one."


 I'm impressed he's able to hold them to that.


 "I can't help but point out that Sigewinne has been on her tablet the whole ride here."

 She has been drawing so that isn't that bad, but still.

 I can't even argue that it's because we're in my car cause for some unknown reason, Neuvillette insisted we take his instead.


 "Sigewinne is your daughter, Wriothesley. While it is true that you are staying at my house and this is my car, I will not undermine your authority as a parent." Neuvillette said seriously.

 And that gave me a newfound respect for the man.

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