Chapter 6 ♡

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Smoking is mentioned in this chapter

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Smoking is mentioned in this chapter. I am being honest i am not by ANY means promoting smoking. It is extremely hazardous to health and i personally hate the smell :]

And by this im not giving hate to bts for smoking coz if they do theyre grown men and its their choice they know whats good for them and whats not. And im not being one of those fans who are calling it hot 😂 bcz like..... it is hot but like still ok?

Thank you :] if theres anything that offended you abt my note please kindly let me know

Love yall mwah 😘 ❤️❤️💜💜


Jimin's POV

As my eyes landed on the lady beside PD-nim only one word rang through my mind.


They way her innocent eyes gazed at all of us in evident nervousness was endearing and her soft features made her look beautiful.

She smiled at all of us when PD-nim began introducing her, and my heart did a little flip when her full lips curved into a grin.

Angel. Her name was even more beautiful.


Angel smiled nervously at all of them as Bang PD began introducing her.

"Hello boys, this is Miss Song Angel and she will be your manager starting today", he stated with a smile of his own and the boys immediately stood up to bow in greeting as she bowed back.

"Well get to know each other well, and be nice to her guys she's still new, give her time to adjust ok?", he continued, with a reassuring nod towards Angel before making his way out.

She smiled once again, this time a more friendly and confident one rather than nervous.

"Well PD-nim already introduced me, but I will be your manager and hope we get along well", she said with a cheeky smile.

"I think we should sit together over there and get to know each other even better", Namjoon suggested with a smile while gesturing to the huge table in the corner of the room, his dimples showing.

Angel's breathe immediately got stuck in her throat.

Oh god those dimples.

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