Argumentative confessions

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Ishan and Shubman came back to their room. In silence. This time it was so awkward that it was not possible to be explained by words. But they knew that they needed to talk. Without talking, nothing would be solved.

"Shubman, let's just forget everything that happened tonight."

It's the first time Ishan called Shubman by his name, so it was pretty clear that it is more than awkward.

"Is it just so easy for you?"

Shubman frowned and asked with an irritating voice.

"I never said that. But we can at least try."

He said with a low voice which just made the taller man scoff with full irritation and annoyance.

"Try yeah? Try what? To forget the intimate moment we had?"

Ishan closed his eyes tightly, now wanting to remember the best feeling of the world. He felt like his body was aching when he suddenly felt the moment when Shubman's hand was brushing up his thigh. What most ached was his heart. Your dreams come true, but you cannot hold onto them.

"Please let's not refer to it."

Shubman sighed frustrated, running his hand through his hair.

"Do you understand that it is not easy. for. me?"

He emphasised a lot on the last 3 words. Ishan didn't want to burst out, but he just did,

"It's not easy for me either shubman! I liked you for decades! I don't like having this twisted turn in my life! I want to change what happened, but it is not possible. I suppose you know it too."

Shubman fake smiled, and took a step closer to the smaller boy, making Ishan step back one step,

"Yes and I like you too. Happy? Now after both of us confessed, do you think we should just cut it out?"

They were so frustrated and confused that neither of their confessions mattered to anyone, they were just too possessed in themselves to grasp what's going on in the surrounding environment.

"Is there any other choice that we have? But I don't want your career to be affected by this. If we want maybe we can move on."

"I cannot."

Was Shubman's undaunted reply.

"Can't we just keep it a secret?"

This time Shubman's voice was a lot softer. It pained. A lot.

Ishan took a step forward, to hold Shubman's cheeks and brush his thumb. Shubman sighed and leaned into the touch. It was so soothing. He craved this touch for ages, for so long. Nothing mattered if he got this everyday.

"For how long Shubi? It will just turn out to hurt us more."

He was right. There was nothing wrong with what Ishan said. Shubman had thought this.

"Why Ish why? Why can't we just be ourselves?"

Shubman said with a low voice, as his one hand went around Ishan's waist to hold him.

(Le me :- uwwu, so romantic😚)

"I don't know Shub. Please let's just try to forget. Maybe we'll be happy."

Shubman's eyes were glossy, Ishan was no good. Shubman's hand dropped from Ishan's waist as Ishan's hand dropped from his face. They wiped their tears and turned away to go in their way ready to forget their feelings...
This is so sadd,,,,😭

Love wins in the end (Shubman gill x Ishan Kishan)Where stories live. Discover now