Twisted life (x2)

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They went back to the hotel in pure silence. Not awkward, but a comfortable one. No one broke the silence as no one felt the need to talk. The manager's room was in the ground floor, so they went and knocked. The door opened from inside revealing a blank faced manager.

He held the door open for them so they'd come in as he closed the door and locked it. He directed for both of them to sit as they both sat on two chairs and the manager on the bed.

"What do you think you guys were doing?"

The manager asked with a blank voice just like his blank face.

"I'm sorry we both sneaked out, we shouldn't have done-"

Shubman was cut off with one chuckle of the manager.

"You really think I'm talking about that?"

He raised his eyes to meet the eyes of Shubman.


Shubman glanced at Ishan who was sunk back in his chair. There was no way anyone could have known, right? It's night time and the place where they were, was abandoned of people.

The manager opened his phone and held it in front of their eyes. Shubman and Ishan went pale. It was their photo, kissing.

"Now tell me, was that just a friendly matter or do you guys, like, seriously?"

The manager took a glance at them both. They were blown white, terrified. If one would see them, they'd probably not understand if these two are breathing or not.

The manager sighed,

"No need to be scared. I've paid money to him who clicked this photo and somehow stopped him from getting this viral."

It seemed that they both came back a little with the answer. But they just couldn't open their mouth to say something.

"I always knew you guys had a thing for each other. Your teammates didn't observed you together, but I did. So I knew it from a very long time that this day would come and I've a great speech for you both."

They both just stared at him, so the manager continued,

"Look, I seriously have no problem with anyone's love life and I don't like to meddle in people's personal things. But you two. I don't have any problem with you two either. But how will you explain it to the society? Only 4 out of 100 people think that love is love. Others are ready to judge, bully and even post undefining things. And because you guys are celebrities, I don't know what will happen. I've never experienced this before. But you guys can get your career ruined. When you go in the ground people will look at you with hatred, not with the love that they had for you 1 day ago. Just because this thing. They just can't accept that two boys or two girls can be happy together. This is society."

Ishan and Shubman still remained speechless. They processed it all what the manager said,

"Now you guys have to talk."

"What..what do you want us to do about it?"

Ishan asked with a low voice, so low that you could somehow hear it.

"I can't tell you that and I will not tell you that. It's your matter, sort it out. All I can do is help."

"What help?"

This time it was Shubman.

"Maybe switching your roommates, because ofter this I know that things between you two will be complicated and awkward."

They sighed.

"You want us to forget everything?"

Ishan askedz eyes brimming with tears.

"Maybe. Whatever you can do to keep the respect of India."


"Look, you guys have to sort it out yourselves. The thing you have, can ruin your lovers career. Keep this in mind and think twice if you want it to happen."
I had to do this. Indian society it is. Only us people support love.

People say they support love but end up judging and bullying people who have different tastes. And look at other countries. No one despises them as much as Indian society does🙂

Love wins in the end (Shubman gill x Ishan Kishan)Where stories live. Discover now