We are friends

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"I can't stand it anymore. My shoulder is hurting!" Ishan complained about the man sleeping on his shoulder in the team bus for the past 45 minutes.

"His head is freaking heavy!"

Ishan complained trying to push the sleeping man's head off his shoulder but all his efforts in vain.

"Just 10 more minutes Ishu, we'll reach our destination." Shreyas' voice could be heard from the front seat. It wasn't a comforting line for Ishan at all. He huffed and looked outside the window thinking it would be so much better if Shubman would have been sleeping on his shoulder instead of this heavy headed Hardik.

As he remembered Shubman, he had the sudden urge to hate him for today. How could Shubman just behave that Ishan was invisible to him at the pickup station of the team bus? The way Shubman laughed and continued his conversation with Jadeja caught Ishan off guard. They'd never sit without each other in any bus. But since Shubman behaved so inappropriate with Ishan, he decided to make him invisible in his eyes too.

But honestly, he missed him. He missed having Shubman in his side, to laugh and talk with him. He never expected this to be so boring to sit beside Hardik. Ever since they have boarded the bus, Hardik's been sleeping on his shoulder.

'Ugh. I won't fall asleep.'

Ishan reminded himself not to fall asleep. He has a habit to curl to the person next to him when he's asleep. And he doesn't want to hug Hardik and make him all uncomfortable.

He's feeling sleepy. His eyes are drooping. He needs to sleep. He hasn't slept the other night because he was so engrossed in watching the movie 'Jawan'.

'No! I can't sleep! Just a matter of 8-9 more minutes Ishan, you can do it.'

He himself didn't knew after that when his eyes closed, and he fell asleep.

Time skips~

Ishan groaned and shifted the other side, feeling light fall on his eyes. But light was falling in his eyes on the other side too. So he shifted uncomfortably and sat up whil rubbing his eye.

What happened?

He thought to himself and then he saw the blue picture of the person sitting on the couch in his room in front of him. He blinked a few times to get a clear vision.


And then he recalled everything. Great. Did he just cuddle Hardik? God knows. God grant if he didn't.

"Good morning."

Shubman said in a mocking tone to Ishan though he knew that it was 7:30pm.

"Shut up."

Ishan said and curled back into his bed once again feeling comfy there.

"Get up Ish. Everyone's calling you for dinner."

"I will catch up."

"I know you won't, c'mon get up."

Shubman said as he snatched the blanket away from Ishan. Ishan groaned curling into himself to get the warmth back.

"I will join you, you can go."

Ishan snapped feeling the urge to sleep more.

"If I go now, you'll get up in the morning."

Ishan scrunched his nose. It's unfair that Shubman knows him so well.

"And you don't sleep with an empty stomach. It's bad for your health."

Shubman finally looked at him, who was folding the blanket. When he finished, be glared at Ishan.

"Are you getting up?"

"Or else what will you do?"

Ishan had the guts to ask him with such attitude.

"I will pick you up and will not leave the bathroom until you fresh up."

Ishan felt blood rush through his cheeks. He pulled himself up and seeing Shubman smile at his victory stuck his tongue out to him.

But nevertheless, he went to the bathroom and then joined everyone on dinner.


This part is highly recognised as "EYES LIKE THAT". So, I'd like to give the credit to rosetoffee and for the third part too.

Okay I was really confused whether to write an ishman ff or not. I was thinking maybe after I complete my ongoing story. But it turns out, I can't. I had to write it and I have to continue.

I have 3 ongoing stories at the moment. Let's see how we can manage.

Let me know what you think of the first chapter!

Love wins in the end (Shubman gill x Ishan Kishan)Where stories live. Discover now