Kiss of 0.5 second

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Ishan didn't leave the party, he just went to find an uncrowded place for himself. He went near an empty balcony and kept staring at the moon and sky. That's the best thing to do if anyone's sad, in his own opinion. He sighed once he recalled what he just did. Nothing, but seriously he created a scene. It wasn't needed.

If he thinks carefully, then his feelings are all a waste. Even if Shubman accepts him, the society, his family, everyone would just hate him.

Wait- what? Shubman would accept him? HIM? He's clearly interested in girls. And one day, he has to forget about all his feelings he has for his best friend. He will get married one day, and have kids.

Tears made their way to Ishan's beautiful eyes as he thought all these negative thoughts.

He snapped out of his thoughts, as he heard the notification sound on his phone. It must be Mayank, he had thought and took out his phone to check. His breath caught in his throat when he saw who it was.



He didn't want to open the message. What would Shubman think after his sudden outburst? He took a deep breath, before opening the chat.

Where are you?

Seriously? Ishan was shit scared for nothing.

None of your business

He replied and switched off his phone, ready to put it back. But again that notification sound beeped as he sighed and again looked at the screen.

What do you think you're doing in this abandoned balcony alone?

Ishan's eyes widened as he read the message and turned around to see Shubman standing at the edge of the starting.

"What- what are you doing here?"

"Why? Can't I be here?"

Shubman said taking slow steps towards the smaller boy.

"With due respect, you can be here, alone, or with girls whichever you like, but not with me."

Ishan said in an annoying tone and tried to walk away, but his wrist was caught by Shubman.

"Don't try running Ishan."

Ishan gulped, not ready to feel what he's feeling. His feelings are all coming back in one go. He can't imagine what type of effect Shubman has on him.

"Leave me."

Ishan fights and tries to take his hand out of Shubman's tight grip.

"If it were that easy, I would not have been here."

Shubman speaks in a bold voice, making a shiver run down Ishan's spine. He can feel his stomach wriggling, which is a sign, that butterflies are back.

"What do you want?"

Ishan asks finally, giving up trying and daring to look directly right in Shubman's eyes.

"Don't you like that girl? I think she's good."

Shubman says in a teasing voice as Ishan feels his inside burning again at the remainder of that clingy girl.

"Good for you, not for me."

"So if she is good, that means I have permission to date her, right?"

Ishan wants to slap him, right at his face. But he can't, without a good reason. Isn't this reason good enough? He thinks. But then quickly deleted it out of his mind.

"You don't need permission from me to date somebody."

Ishan said, his eyes drooping from Shubman's face and his voice, straight, without any emotion.

"So why did you shout?"

Ishan closes his eyes and curses himself. Of course, there was no need for shouting.

"Do you want me to say sorry to her?"

Shubman shook his head.

"Absolutely not. But why did you shout Ishan? I just want the reason."

Shubman takes a step towards him, making the smaller boy gulp.

"I'm asking you something Ishan-"

Shubman was cut off, as he felt Ishan's soft pair of lips on his own. That was a bold move. But before it could last for even 2 seconds, Ishan pulled out himself. His cheeks flushed.

"This is the reason."

With that he left, again leaving a stunned Shubman behind...

Guess who decided to give a double update? None other than your workless author.

Hope you liked the chapter😃

Love wins in the end (Shubman gill x Ishan Kishan)Where stories live. Discover now