Little secret

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It was the next day. Rahul let shubman slip out of the room without any talk, because he was tired and he could perfectly see what was going on and he knew that it would not be the best time to interrogate.

There wasn't any practice session today, because every player got to the hotel late at night, except Ishan and Shubman. Everyone needed rest, so Rohit and the coach decided to cancel today's practice session.

"This is the first time I'm so awkward with my teammates."

Rahul said adjusting in his chair eyeing the two youngsters on the bed. Ishan was terrified thinking if Rahul would have told the other people.

"Did you...say something to anyone?"

Ishan asked, but his voice came out in nothing but a whisper.

"I did not."

The both youngsters let go of a breath that they didn't even know they were holding.

"Look, let's come straight to the point. For how long is this happening?"

Rahul said at last, sighing as Shubman and Ishan both spared a glance at each other and Shubman started to explain everything from day 1. Rahul listened to everything and said,

"There's a secret. I always thought you guys might be together, because you guys give vibes more than best friends and act like boyfriends even in field and outside the field. But I doubt if anyone has noticed it except me."

Ishan looked at Shubman, and again returned his gaze back to Rahul,

"So you don't have any problem with us?"

Rahul scrunched his nose,

"Why would I? First of all, it's your matter. Second of all, I'm not homophobic like the other people outside. Third of all, I think you both look cute together."

Ishan smiled, he never thought Rahul would be so helpful outside the field in this matter.

"Have you talked to sidharth about this?"

They both nodded simultaneously.

"Then, I think he has made you understand everything. I don't need to say anything else. But, be careful. It's the Indian society we are talking about."

There was minutes of silence after Rahul said that. Ishan was the one to break it,

" you think it will be a nice idea to tell our teammates?"

Rahile stretched a little in his chair and said,

"I don't think they are ready. But this fact is totally upon you guys. I think you should tell them after a great victory of team India, so that they'll all be happy to accept you guys. Look, no one in our team is going to deny you guys. Everyone loves you and everyone will help you."

Ishan never imagined that this would go such a good way, because all he ever thought was negative thoughts.

"Thank you Rahul bhaiya, you were so helpful."

Ishan said. His voice filled with sincerity. Rahul looked at Ishan in disbelief.

"What do you mean by I was so helpful? Afterall you're my teammates just in the field, but outside field we all are a family."

Shubman and Ishan smiled. They never imagined it would go this smoothly.

Since then, they kept it a secret. They waited for the great victory that Rahul mentioned.

They would kiss, and even be a little intimate sometimes away from everyone but never cross the lines. It was dictated by Ishan only. He doesn't wanna go off the limits now and Shubman respects his decision. And hugging is nothing to be suspected for. Everyone does that.

The relationship was Ishan's, Shubman's and Rahul's little secret. No one needed to know.

Until ....

Sorry for the drop off the last day. Okay so let me share what I'm thinking.

I was thinking that after this story, I'd publish a Rohirat story. How's that? I mean, is that a nice idea?

Love wins in the end (Shubman gill x Ishan Kishan)Where stories live. Discover now