Serious confessions

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Ishan's mind went blank when he saw Shubman walk in the room and close the door. He turned to face Ishan with his hands in his pockets.

"What the hell does this mean?"

He walked in front of Ishan and showed the screen of his phone to him. It was Ishan's message.

"It means, just- just whatever's written."

Ishan said nervously.

"Did you think that I kissed her?"

Shubman asked with a questioning frown on his face as he kept his phone in the table.

"I did not think. I am sure."

Ishan said with a straight voice. Shubman scoffed in response.

"Why on earth would i event want to kiss her?"

"I don't know! Because it's your life, your wish and your choices!"

Shubman remained silent for a moment.

"Are you jealous?"

Ishan's eyes widened as he shook his head as a no.

"O-of course not."

"You are."

Shubman said with a sly smirk on his lips.

"And I must be honest. I was too jealous. I didn't like your friend unbuttoning your shirt."

This time Ishan scoffed,

"He was helping me, unlike you."

"What does it mean by unlike me?"

"You exchanged your number with her! You were intentionally flirting! And he is my friend, who was helping me in my difficult situation."

"So, let me get to the point, you don't like me with girls, why?"

Shubman knew Ishan would burst, and it happened as he expected,

"Because I like you motherfucker! Your head can't even take this single shit in! I've liked you for 5 years now!"

Just as Ishan completed his sentence, Shubman's lips crashed down on his. He fell back on the bed with Shubman on top of him. Ishan's hand went up to tug at Shubman's hair as Shubman's hand gripped his waist tightly, disallowing him to move, and which would probably form a bruise the day after.

It was not a sweet, gentle kiss, nor it was a rough ones. It was something in between.

Ishan moaned into Shubman's mouth shamelessly, when both of their parts created a little friction.

"I like that."

Shubman said in between the kiss before slipping in his tongue into the smaller boy's mouth. It soon turned into a heated make out session. Shubman's tongue roamed around Ishan's mouth and soon both ran out of oxygen.

Shubman slowly sat up and so did Ishan. And suddenly Ishan's overthinking again clouded his mind.

What if the only thing that Shubmanment was lust? He didn't say anything. Maybe he just wants the 'body' thing.

Ishan quickly moved back from Shubman after all his negative thoughts.

"What is it?"

Shubman asked noticing the change in Ishan's behaviour.

"N-nothing, you should leave."

Shubman scoffed so loud and rolled his eyes.

"Why would I do that? Can you please be positive for once Ishan? Why are you moving away? When the fuck did I hurt you?"

A tear rolled down Ishan's cheek as he listened to Shubman's words. His overthinking is too effective for a sane person. But he consoled himself, that he can't have a panic attack in front of him.

"Y-you don't even like me, why..why are you doing this to me?"

Ishan sobbed.

"Stop playing with my f-feelings."

Shubman was stunned. He never wanted to see tears in those pretty eyes. Never. It hurted him. He couldn't see Ishan crying. That hurted him.

"Ish, I've no intention like that."

Shubman said in a softer voice, placing one of his hand on Ishan's shoulder.

"I fucking like you back too. I don't want to play with your feelings. I want us to be us. A couple."

You guys didn't like the cliffhanger at all😂. I got so many comments regarding that. But btw, anyways, next chapter coming soon!

Love wins in the end (Shubman gill x Ishan Kishan)Where stories live. Discover now