38. Future Memories

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Sasha was in a coma and in Trost's hospital. All the friends were worried and visited frequently, especially Mikasa. Sasha had received the visit from a... close acquaintance of hers, Nicolo, a Marleyan prisoner that volunteered to help the Paradisians and was allowed to have a restaurant. Sasha always loved his food. Nicolo was unfortunately not received well. Jean and Connie were also visiting the hospital, thankfully, and were able to defend him. Lexie was livid when she heard that report and instantly had the needed punishments made for the soldiers who hit Nicolo.

She had something else to handle higher in her priority list, she had to talk to Eren.

Eren was put in lock up, he had washed himself and combed back his hair, while he was doing that, he received a visit.

"I didn't think they'd let you talk to me." Eren said.

"I'm a Duchess, I don't ask permission." Lexie said as she stood outside his cell. "I came here more to listen than to talk. I need to understand why you attacked Marley. You knew we had no option but to help you, why use us?"

"I didn't even want you to go." Eren said.

"I know, but I have never listened to you before and I'm not starting anytime soon." Lexie replied. Eren actually half-smiled at him. "Please, Eren. Why?"

"I told you I'd share with you anything I remembered. So this is me keeping that promise, but I need you to keep it a secret." Eren said.

"I will evaluate that option after I learn the information." Lexie answered, Eren smiled again.

"Talking like a politician again. You've done that since we were in training." Eren said amused. "Well, you've never given me a reason not to trust your judgement. You might want to sit down."

"Sure, your bed looks comfy." Lexie said and opened the cell to sit on Eren's bed, Eren gave her a look. "What? It's not like a cell can actually detain you." She shrugged. Eren chuckled and sat next to her. "Spill."

"You know how all nine titans have something special? Well, what if I told you my titan, the Attack Titan, had the ability to see the memories of the person who will inherit the titan?"

"You mean, like you can see the future?" She asked.

"Yes. I thought they were just memories from my dad's past, but then I realized they were my own memories shown to me before they happened." Eren explained.

"So, what did you see?"

"The end of the world." Eren said. "I saw the Rumbling, and I saw it was me and my brother who started it."

"Eren, the future is not written in stone." Lexie said.

"I've tried, Lexie. I've tried to change the outcomes of small things. If I remember a certain pastry, I do not ask for it when I go to a bakery, but then I'm offered it because they didn't have what I first asked for. If I remember walking through a street on a rainy day, I take another route only to find it flooded and I have to take the original one again. It is true that I do not see everything, but what I've seen... it all becomes true." Eren talked with a tightened voice, regretting everything he had done and had to do. "I have to do horrible things, because those are the right things to do for our people."

"You are not in charge of our people, Eren. Historia and I are." Lexie said.

"I don't see you." Eren said. "I know you exist, of course, I see Armin talking about you, asking me to be his best man, crying over you, but I do not know what happens to you, I don't know if you live, or if you turn into Ymir, I see nothing about you."

"To be honest, that's a relief, at least you don't have any expectations about me."

"I still have to do these things. Unspeakable things. I don't deserve any friends. Or forgiveness." Eren said.

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