35. Hizuru's Position

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After about a year with the help of the anti-Marleyan volunteers, the port in Paradis had been ready, Paradis welcomed their first diplomatic guests, the nation of Hizuru. As soon as they arrived, Lady Kiyomi Azumabito showed a flag with a certain symbol to Mikasa.

"Does this symbol look familiar to you?" He asked. Mikasa hesitated.

"Show then, you showed me." Eren convinced her, so Mikasa showed a mark in her wrist with the same symbol.

"My mother gave me this and asked be to give it to my children." Mikasa explained.

"About a hundred years ago, Hizuru's Sogun was an ally of the Eldian Empire. We in the trace our lineage back to his son, who was on good terms with the and visited. Unfortunately, the last descendant was left behind." Kiyomi explained. "You are the last descendant of the Sogun Clan, our rulers back then."

Mikasa looked stunned and also a bit awkward.

"Who would have thought you'd bring us closer to allies." Lexie said nudging Mikasa.

"I am so happy. Now we have more in common, I am so happy to be matched with you." Historia said.

"Welcome to royalty." Lexie winked, Mikasa only looked more and more awkward and Eren smiled at the girls.

Finally, in the meeting, KiyomI explained what Zeke had told them. They were interested in the reserves of on the island, hoping they would restore the nation of Hizuru to its former glory. In return, they'd help with military equipment and engineers of their own. They however had to agree that Paradis Island had to threaten the world with the Rumbling, awakening the colossal titans of the walls to flatten the world. Zeke Jaeger had agreed to give up the Beast Titan to someone of royal blood for this threat to be real, but whoever inherited it, had to spend their following 13 years breeding as many children as possible.

"I understand. And I'm ready. If the Rumbling is essential to our survival, I'll do my part. I'm willing to inherit the Beast Titan from Zeke Jaeger." Historia said.

"No." Lexie protested. "You are not the only one with royal blood here."

"Your parents cannot have children anymore, and you have another role to play." Historia argued back.

"A role that could avoid following Zeke's requests at all." Lexie pointed out. Before they could argue more, Eren stood up.

"If Zeke's plan is to buy our salvation at the price of broken walls, trampled lands and children bred to be slaughtered like livestock, I say he can go to hell and take his sick little plan with him." Eren said angrily. "Staking our survival on the threat of the Rumbling is a dangerous move. So before we commit to it, we should try to find another way. Let's take what time we have to look at our options."

Historia had tears in her eyes, touched by Eren's worry. Lexie was also touched and looked down. If only they could find a way for her to use her power without losing herself, or at least for someone to control the goddess Ymir, they could use her instead.


The Elite Scouts, including the 104th graduates, were all building the new railroad to the port, having being volunteered by Eren. Hange, Levi and Lexie got to them about the reply they had from Hizuru. Levi and Hange had their own horse while Lexie had a carriage with some more provisions for them.

"Hi guys, I brought you some water and food." Lexie said ad she stepped out and got some canteens for her friends.

"My hero, you're an angel." Sasha cried to her.

"You guys got taller." Levi said. "It seems you sprout out just to spite me."

"I'm still smaller than you, if it makes you feel any better." Lexie said with a cheery mood and continued passing un water and snacks.

"Thank you, love." Armin said as Lexie handed him one of the canteens. She hugged him.

"I miss you." She said as he hugged, he back. "You have gotten muscular." She said with a slight blush, Armin blushed too.

"I have grown some muscles too, you know Lexie." Jean said flexing his arms.

"Me too, my old shirts don't even fit me." Connie said flexing too.

"Impressive, you guys." Lexie said with an amused smile.

"Did we get any reply from Hizuru?" Eren asked.

"Yes, but it's not good news. It seems they either can't or won't help us without Zeke's requests. They already monopolize most resources on the world and the hatred for us allies a lot of countries, we don't seem to be a good business for them." Hange explained.

"Then... the Rumbling might actually be our only option." Eren said sadly.

"So what? The world's decided we are devils regardless of what our intentions are?" Armin asked. "They can't want us to repeat the past, so why won't they consider peace?"

"Probably 'cause they don't know better." Mikasa said. "They don't know anything about us and that makes them afraid."

"I agree. Our neighbors across the sea won't trust people whose faces have never seen." Hange said.

"Then let's meet them." Lexie said. "Let's make them like us."

"I totally agree. That's what us Scouts always do, right?" Hange said. "Just, let's not be too straightforward about it."


The team rode back together in the locomotive they had gotten. Lexie had decided to ride with them and sat with Armin as he drove the vehicle while the others sat in a cart.

"So, infiltrate Marley and set up a base there, huh?" Jean asked.

"It's so exciting, we'll get to try food from other places!" Sasha said excitedly.

"I wonder what we should pack?" Connie asked.

"If we can convince others that we want peace, our whole situation will change." Armin said.

"If only we had more time left..." Eren said. "I only have 5 years left, we have to decide who will inherit my titan."

"I think I should do it." Mikasa said.

"No. Not an option." Jean argued. "We don't even know if Ackerman's are able to turn into titans. And even if you could, Hizuru would be furious about it. You're their long-lost heir, remember?"

"Who do you think it should be?"

"Me. First of all, I'm a whole lot smarter than Eren, we replace the suicidal maniac with a person who knows how to make judgements. I'm the best candidate we have."

"Sure, except we can't afford to lose someone that valuable after just 13 years, moron. You should aim to be the regiment's next Commander, I'll inherit Eren's Titan myself." Connie said.

"No, that won't work at all. You're way too much of an idiot." Sasha said, making Lexie laugh. "I'll inherit it. I'm an experienced veteran and I've proved to be someone you can rely on. By process of elimination, you've gotta choose me."

"I'm not planning on handing it out to any of you." Eren said.

"Why not?" Jean said.

"Because you're important to me. More than anyone else. I hope you'll live long lives." Everyone, including Eren, turned red on their faces at the deep touching atmosphere Eren created. It was the first time Eren shared his feelings about everyone in the group. "I would also like to see a wedding before my time ends. What do you say, Armin?" He lightened the mood. Armin and Lexie both turned extremely red and turned their faces away from everyone while the others laughed.

"Your face is just as red as your hair, Lexie." Sasha said.

"No, it's the sunset." Lexie tried to dismiss. The others only laughed harder.

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