18. Smart Couple

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The welcome of the Survey Corps to the city was not at all welcoming. There were negative comments, all talking about their failure. Lexie rode in the front with commander Erwin, both keeping their heads as high as they could. It was not the same for the other scouts, all were unmotivated, sad, depressed. Families grieved their dead. Some asked for answers, but none was given other than they had died as heroes. Once they arrived to the HQ, Erwin, Levi, Hange and Lexie met in Erwin's office.

"The expedition was a failure." Erwin said.

"It was not." Lexie said. "Eren is safe. We confirmed we have a spy. And we know whoever it is, must have been from the group told that Eren was on the right wing. We have some small victories."

"I don't think the capitol will agree. They'll want Eren's custody. Unless we come up with something that proves we have some sort of advantage over the titans, and something we can prove too."

"If only we could know who the titan is." Hange mentioned.

A knock came to the door and Erwin let them in, it was Armin.

"Cadet, you should be tending to the horses." Levi said.

"I know, sir. But I have to talk to Commander Erwin." Armin said.

"It's not the time."

"Let him talk." Lexie said. "Please, Armin is the brightest of our class. We should listen to what he has to say." She told the superiors.

"He's the one who figured out our plan?" Erwin asked.

"Yes, sir." Lexie confirmed. Erwin finally nodded to Armin, allowing him to talk.

"Thank you. I think I know the identity of the female titan." Armin said. That caught the attention of all the officials in the room.

"Have you shared this information with anyone else?" Erwin asked.

"No, sir."

"Good. Proceed." Erwin sat on his desk and listened closely.

"When we fought the female titan on the clearing, I talked about Eren as a 'suicidal bastard' a common reference to him known only to the 104th south training corps." Armin said.

"Do you mean the female titan graduated with you?" Levi said looking at Lexie and Armin.

"Her physical appearance is also very similar to-"

"Annie." Lexie said, Armin nodded.

"Annie Leonheart." Armin confirmed. "She joined the Military Police."

"We'll ask for her records." Erwin decided.

"We have something else to talk about." Levi said, meaning Eren, and eyeing Armin, telling Erwin he should not be hearing any of this.

"Armin is Eren's best friend." Lexie said. "Him and Mikasa grew with him in Shinganshina. They're clean. And Trustworthy. Armin came up with the plan to seal Wall Rose with Eren's titan form."

"If he's like cadet Ackerman, I guess we can trust him." Levi gave in. Erwin nodded.

"You are a good strategist, correct, cadet Arlert?" Erwin asked. Armin hesitated and looked at Lexie, she nodded confidently at him.

"Yes, sir. Although my ideas tend to be risky." Armin admitted.

"Good. That's exactly what we need." Erwin said.

"Annie is not part of the Survey Corps, which means she must have received help from someone inside. Probably another cadet from the 104th." Lexie said and looked down sadly.

"In that case, we keep them out of this." Erwin said. "While we go to the capital to testify, the cadets will all go to another place for training, some of our elite squad will watch them." He explained. "Not all, though. Armin Arlert, you and Mikasa Ackerman will help us free Eren and also bait the Female Titan."

"Yes, sir." Armin said with wide surprised eyes. "I suggest we make someone pose as Eren. A young cadet that can be trusted."

"Do you have any suggestion?" Levi asked.

"I do. Jean Kirshtein." Armin said confidently.

"He is trustworthy." Lexie agreed too. Erwin nodded.

"Do you know where Annie Leonheart is supposed to be assigned?" He asked them.

"Stohess, sir." Lexie said.

"Then we will have to do everything in Stohess. The Military Police won't like being kept in the dark." Erwin said.

"Stohess has underground tunnels. There is an entrance far enough of the palace." Lexie said.

"Also, it means she won't be able to call for other titans." Armin said.

"The scouts should be hidden, we have to find a way to lure her out, just her."

"I can try. If I convince her we're trying to save Eren's life, she will cooperate since she seems to also want him alive."

"Commander Erwin, Captain Levi and I will have to stay in the carriages, that way the Military Police won't suspect."

"I should bring Mikasa too, so Annie will buy my story."

"If she transforms, Eren will have to fight her."

"And if he loses, we can use restraining weapons again. Can you build something else that can pin her down?"

"I can figure it out." Lexie smiled to Armin, he smiled back at her, they were so in sync making the plan that they forgot they weren't alone, they turned to see Erwin, Levi and Hange looking at them, Hange with a smirk.

"Plan A, B and C in one conversation. Impressive." Levi said.

"You make a smart couple." Hange said. Armin and Lexie blushed.

"Sorry, we got carried away." Lexie apologized.

"Don't apologize. You are both correct." Erwin said. "Let's work on the details."


That night, they told Mikasa, Jean and Eren the plan. They had trouble believing Annie was the female titan, especially Eren, but everyone agreed to follow the plan.

They travelled together on a cart, silence was all that was heard, Lexie took hold of Armin's hand and rested her head on his shoulder, sleeping a little. Armin blushed a little but smiled at her and didn't move since he didn't want to wake her. He looked up to see Eren's and Mikasa's looks. Jean looked at their hands and rolled his eyes, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Since when are you two together?" Eren asked.

"Well... technically we're not... I mean, we are close... friends..." Armin said.

"Yeah right." Jean scoffed.

"She seems to like you more than a friend." Mikasa said.

"She hasn't told me anything like that." Armin said.

"Have you?" Eren asked. Armin considered it.

"I guess not."

"Maybe you should." Mikasa said. Armin looked down at Lexie's sleeping face.

"I guess I should."

Unwanted Power: An Armin Arlert Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now