13. Reunion

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"Sargent Hange, I'm not sure about this." Lexie said with worry and a bit of fear.

"If my hypothesis is correct, you won't be in any real danger." Hange said as they walked around the castle.

"And if it's not correct?"

"Then I hope you forgive me." Saying that, Hange suddenly pushed Lexie out of a window. Lexie yelled as she fell. She had no gear on her, at she was on the third floor of the castle.

Out in the garden, Eren was eating with Levi's squad when they heard the scream. Eren acted out of instinct, he bit his hand and reached his arm forward, he half transformed, his arm was that of a titan, he caught Lexie before she hit the floor.

"Amazing, just like with the spoon." Hange said. They had had an accidental transformation before, it helped prove Eren was not in complete control, but willing to learn and help Hange learn. They had come to the conclusion that Eren needed to bleed, but also to have a clear goal in mind to transform.

Levi used his gear to glide from the roof to Eren's titan open hand where Lexie had landed. He had always been there in case it didn't work.

"Are you ok?" Levi asked Lexie.

"A bit shaken, but fine." Lexie said and he helped her up. He carried her and they both jumped down to meet with the others. As soon as he saw she was safe, Eren pulled his human arm out of his titan arm and it started disappearing.

"Are you ok?" Eren asked Lexie.

"Yes, thank you for catching me." Lexie said with a kind smile.

"You definitely have something on protecting Lady Lexie." Hange said, joining them too. "How emotionally attached are you?"

"We trained together." Eren answered.

"We can't have you being shy. We need information. Do you have romantic feelings for this girl?" Levi asked directly.

"I-I-I" Eren stuttered and blushed. "I guess, some, a little." He said. "B-but I don't, I can't, I have never had the intentions of doing something about it."

"Why not?" Hange asked.

"M-my friend likes her, sir. Not to mention most of the guys on our training corps. And besides... I kind of like someone else."

"Oh, I see, a loyal friend. How sweet." Hange cooed. Everyone was so focused on Eren that only he noticed Lexie's blushed cheeks and slight smile. Eren wondered if he had embarrassed her.

"Do you like your comrade Mikasa Ackerman?" Levi asked.

"She's my family, sir." Eren answered, his ears turning red.

"Maybe it's Lady Lexie's title." Eld suggested. "Like he is very devoted to the crown?"

"Sadly, we don't have time for more experiments since the recruits come tomorrow, but I wonder if Lexie would be able to help Eren control the titan." Hange said.

"That'd be putting her in too much danger." Petra said.

"She did throw me off a window. I doubt Sargent Hange cares about my safety at all." Lexie glared at Hange.

"Oh, c'mon. Levi was there to catch you if Eren couldn't. I wouldn't put a member of a noble family in real danger."

"Right..." Somehow, Lexie didn't believe them.


Lexie walked to Erwin's office and knocked before being let inside. She had some scrolls with her.

"I brought the blueprints of the restraining weapons." Lexie said.

"Thank you, you grace, and thank your father too." Commander Erwin said. Lexie's father was always involved on updating weapons for the military, he loved designing them, so when Erwin told Lexie about the plan of trapping a titan, she suggested asking her father for some designs, Erwin wasn't completely convinced, but she promised to not tell him anything, and she was able to get the blueprints without having to tell anything to her father. Lexie moved to leave, but Erwin stopped her. "I cannot let you come with us."

"I'm sorry, commander, but that's not your decision to make."

"I cannot guarantee your safety that far outside the wall."

"Your priority is not me, it's keeping Eren safe and discovering the traitor." Lexie said. Erwin stood up and turned his back to her to look out the window.

"I cannot put you in danger. I cannot divide the elite soldiers between you and Eren, and since Eren is the main target of our enemy, I cannot put you with him either. What do you suggest?"

"Treat me like any other cadet." Lexie said. "They are in the second line, only to send signals, not on the direct line against titans. I can be a messenger too. My horse is very fast, I'm a great rider. Besides, I am a good medic too, I can be a good asset." She tried to convince him to let her go.

"If things go sideways, you might help control Eren's titan, and if he can't attack you, maybe the others can't either." Erwin thought out loud. "Too many "maybes"."

"The whole operation is about proving "maybes"." Lexie said. Erwin nodded.

"You'll be in the supply convoy on the right rear, to the right and ahead of Levi's squad. If you get trouble with abnormal titans, run to them. If we are right about another titan like Eren appearing, go to the supply unit or try to reach me or Hange."

"Yes, sir." Lexie saluted.

"You salute me, but I am not your superior." Erwin said.

"I salute you because I respect you, commander." Lexie said. Erwin nodded in appreciation and Lexie left.

In the yard, Lexie saw the cadets that had just joined the corps, she was able to see Eren with Armin and Mikasa, Sasha, Connie, Krista, Ymir and Jean were there too. She jogged to them specifically. Listening her steps, they turned to her and smiled. She directly hugged Armin first, causing a blush in his cheeks.

"You're all here!" She cheered and then hugged Mikasa. "I'm so glad I get to see you all again." She said and hugged everyone else, two or three at a time.

"Lexie, I didn't know you were in the Survey Corps too. I didn't see you in the Divisions ceremony." Connie said.

"Well, it's complicated."

"Lexie pulled her title in Trost to defend Eren, Mikasa and I. She also had her father convince the Commander-in-chief to let Eren live." Armin said.

"The condition was for me to be an asset and watch Eren too." Lexie said and ruffled Eren's hair. He let her do it with a smile, which did not go unnoticed by Mikasa and Armin. Eren was not one for physical touch as much, he always complained when his mom kissed his cheek or ruffled his hair. After the fall of wall Maria, only Armin and Mikasa were allowed to touch him, but it stopped during training as he wanted to look tough. He wouldn't push them away from a hug, but he certainly didn't let anyone ruffle his hair.

"Does that mean you'll be joining the next expedition too?" Sasha asked.

"No, she-"

"I am." Lexie interrupted Eren.

"What? Is Commander Erwin crazy? It's too dangerous." Eren exclaimed in worry.

"So? I'm a cadet too. Besides, us cadets will not be on the direct line against titans." Lexie said.

"If anything comes up, look for me, I'll keep you safe." Eren said taking Lexie's hand. Mikasa noticed and looked away. Armin noticed too and only looked down with a frown. It was clear to them how close Lexie and Eren had become, it made them wonder how close they were.

"You are not the only one who can keep her safe." Connie said pushing Eren away and taking Lexie's hand instead. Jean took Lexie's other hand.

"Even if I didn't join the Military Police, my heart is still devoted to you." Jean said and kissed Lexie's hand.

"Thank you, guys, but to be honest, if I had to choose a bodyguard, I'd choose Mikasa." Lexie said. Mikasa smiled, Jean, Eren and Connie looked appalled and the others laughed.

"Hey, recruits, gather up! Your uniforms are here!"

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