10. Carrying a Rock

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Armin, Mikasa and Lexie met with superiors to outline the basics of the plan. Although they were seen as nothing more that children playing soldiers at first, they quickly proved their worth. Lexie was able to make them all hear, helping Amin's voice be heard. Meanwhile, Armin's plan, although not traditional, was very clever and impeccable. Mikasa's reputation had already preceded her and her intimidating demeanor helped keep it.

Lexie wanted to go with Mikasa and the elite squad to keep Eren safe, but, like Armin had done before, Commander Pixis told her to stay safe.

"You will be safer here. I cannot order you to be on the front lines." Pixis said, Lexie was about to protest, but he put his hand up to let him speak. "Then again, I cannot technically order you at all, your grace." He winked at her before leaving. Lexie smiled. Armin had seen that interaction and he knew where Lexie wanted to go, letting himself be selfish, he approached her.

"Lexie." Armin called, taking her hand before she could run with Mikasa and Eren. "Please don't go with them." He asked with pleading eyes. "I know you can handle yourself, and I trust Eren and the plan, but..." He trailed off, he had no logical reason for asking her to stay with him, no excuse other than wanting to be close to her, but he couldn't say that.

When he couldn't come up with anything, his face flushed. Lexie understood, he wanted to keep her safe, just like with the plan in the HQ. Lexie turned to face him completely and took both his hands.

"I'll stay." Lexie decided. "I'll stay here with you because I trust you and I know you'll know what to do if things go wrong."

Armin stared at her with wide eyes, surprise and relief in his face. He squeezed her hands too. Glad she would stay with him.

The plan started and everything seemed to go well. Armin and Lexie paired up to lure some titans towards the wall. Just like other comrades of their. They landed up in the wall after luring most of the titans and waited. But then, until red smoke was seen from where Eren had to be.

"Did they... fail?" Marco asked.

"How?" Armin asked to no one in particular. He and Lexie shared knowing looks before the both of them ran towards Eren.

"There!" Lexie pointed when they could see Eren's titan form sitting against the rock. They used their ODM gear and glided to him. Armin standing on Eren's head and Lexie on the rock.

"Mikasa!" Armin called at her, she was on a rooftop. "What happened to Eren?"

"It's dangerous here, so get away! Eren isn't in control of that Titan! He wouldn't respond even when I spoke to him! It's pointless for anyone else to try!"

"But the plan!" Lexie called.

"It failed! We can't just leave Eren, so everyone's fighting. But at this rate... the Titans will overwhelm us with numbers!"

Armin looked down at Eren's titan nape.

"From the back of the head to the nape... one-meter long and ten-centimeters wide." Armin said.

"What are you doing?" Lexie asked.

"Eren came out of the titan's weak spot last time. I'll get Eren out! Lexie, Mikasa, go! I'll handle Eren!"

"Be careful." Lexie told him before gliding away with Mikasa.

Mikasa, Lexie and the elite squad were able to hold off some titans, but more were coming. Finally, Eren's roar was heard, they all turned to see Eren carrying the boulder.

"Eren." Mikasa called.

"Armin did it." Lexie said with a smile.

"Lexie! Mikasa!" Armin reached them. "Eren's in control! He's trying to fulfill his duty. Now, if we can just escort him to the gate, victory will be ours!"

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