9. Pulling Rank

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Lexie, Jean, Reiner, Berthold and Annie were ordered to keep it quiet, meanwhile, the Garrison soldiers took Eren, Mikasa and Armin somewhere else.

Most cadets were traumatized and tired, everyone wanted to just rest, mourn their fallen friends, just go home, but part of them knew it wasn't over. Sasha was screaming, Connie was telling everything to Krista and Ymir.

"Lexie, would you like some water?" Krista asked. Lexie offered her a small smile.

"No thanks, Krista, you take it. I'm ok." Lexie said. Krista smile and returned to Ymir's side.

"Trying to get on her good side?" Ymir asked Krista.

"I'm just trying to help." Krista said.

"Do you really think she'll be as nice to you if she finds out who you really are?" Ymir whispered to Krista. The blonde's eyes widened and looked around, double checking that no one had heard, especially not Lexie.

"You can't tell her, you promised-"

"I won't tell anyone. I'm just tired of you looking at her like a lost puppy. You can't be that pathetic to want her favor. Remember how they've treated you, they don't want you." Ymir reminded Krista. Krista wanted to cry, but held in her tears.

An explotion suddenly sounded and smoke came out from inside the wall. Lexie was the first one to use her gear to go investigate, clearly going against orders. Jean, Annie, Reiner and Berthold followed her and they stood in a roof.

"What's going on down there?" Reiner asked to no one in particular.

All the garrison forces from Trost were aiming their weapons at a cloud of smoke. After some seconds, Armin came out of it without his gear.

"You finally showed your true colors, monster. I'll signal! I'll signal the cannon!" Captain Kitz said.

"He isn't the enemy of mankind! We're willing to share all the intelligence we've gathered." Armin said.

"Begging for your lives is useless now! He revealed his true form right in front of us! There is nothing left to say! If you say he's not an enemy, then prove it! If you can't do that, I will eliminate the threat!" The cadets on the roof understood it was Eren they were attacking.

"I hate that coward." Lexie said, glaring at the scene.

"There's no need for further proof! The issue isn't how we see him." Armin continued his case. "You said everybody saw him! Then they must have seen him fighting the Titans, too! And they must have seen all the Titans ganging up against him! The Titans see him as prey, just like the rest of mankind! Nothing you say can change that fact!"

Some soldiers were taking in Armin's words, but the captain wasn't having any of it.

"Prepare to attack! Don't fall for this clever trap!" The captain ordered. "Their actions have always been beyond our comprehension! If they can transform into humans and speak our language, that's just another way for them to fool us! We can't let them do as they please!"

Armin looked back at his friends in fear, his friends who had trusted him to talk them out of the mess. Armin knew he was right, he was being reasonable, but it seemed the captain's fear was too great. Still, he had to keep trying.

"As a soldier, I swore to devote my heart to the resurrection of mankind! There is no greater glory than dying for that belief! If we added his Titan power to the might of our armies, it might even be possible to recapture the town! For the glory of the human race, I beg you in my final moments before I die, permit me to explain his strategic importance!" Armin saluted.

Still, the captain was too frozen in fear to listen. He rose his arm, ready to signal fire. That is until a young woman, with blades in hand, stepped in between them and Armin.

"In the name of the crown, everyone drop your weapons!" Lexie yelled with authority, one hand up with her blade out. "I am Alexandra Reiss, heir of the Reiss house, you will do as I say or you will all be charged with treason!"

Everyone was shocked at her words and presence. The emblem on her dress showed she was telling the truth of who she was. No one expected a noble to be around even less to stand between the soldiers and a titan. Not even Eren, Mikasa and Armin could believe it. She stood her ground, glaring at the soldiers of the Garrison.

"You can't be siding with that monster!" The captain argued.

"You are letting your fear blind you, captain. We know nothing of these creatures and now we can communicate with one, who happens to have trained with us. It will be stupid to rid of him without more information." Lexie said. She glared and moved her hand to the front to point at him with her blade. "And you shall address me with my title."

"Well, didn't you hear her, Kitz?" Behind him, Commander Pixis and his troops had arrived. "Lady Lexie Reiss gave you all an order. Or are you all deaf?!" saying that, everyone finally lowered their weapons. "What a magnificent salute of this cadet. I just arrived, but the situation has already been relayed to me. You go organize the reinforcements. I think it'll be worthwhile to hear what they've got to say."

Hearing this, Lexie drew back her blades and relaxed her stance. Armin fell on his knees with relief. Eren and Mikasa also sighed. Lexie turned around and smiled at Armin. He stood up and Eren and Mikasa joined them.

"You guys ok?" Lexie asked.

"Yes, thank you, Lexie." Mikasa said.

"Don't mention it." Lexie said, they were soon joined by Commander Pixis.

"I believe we should have a more private conversation. I always enjoyed the view above the wall." The commander said. The cadets followed him and lined up in front of him. Pixis rose an eyebrow at Lexie being lined up.

"You just pulled rank on a captain, why are you standing as a normal cadet with them?" Pixis asked.

"I... they're my comrades, sir." Lexie said.

"I see, you had never pulled rank before, right?"

"No, sir."

"Well, you just did, you are not a normal cadet anymore, your grace. Once you pull rank, especially a noble title, there's no going back." Pixis said. Lexie looked down in disappointment. "Stand here with me, and take off that jacket." She did as told, took out her cadet jacket and stood next to Pixis. "Now, continuing with the most pressing matter, tell me everything."

So Eren explained how his memory was foggy but he remembered his father telling him everything could be solved in the basement of his house. They also told the commander how Eren helped them during his titan form.

"Do you believe me, sir?" Eren asked.

"Since even you yourself can't say for sure, let's just say I'll keep it in mind for now. However, you can prove your true intentions by your actions right now. I'll guarantee your safety myself." Pixies said. "Not like you needed another guardian angel." He said referring to Lexie, he then walked to Armin. "Cadet Arlert, was it?"

"Yes, sir."

"Earlier, you said that by using this "Titan power", we might be able to retake this city. Do you really believe that, or were you just desperate to stay alive?"

"Well, both, sir." Pixis stayed silent, Amin looked at Lexie, she nodded, letting him know he should elaborate. "I was trying to say that Eren could take on his Titan form, carry that boulder to the wall, and block the gap in the gate. The thought just occurred to me... But couldn't you look at Eren's power as a chance to turn this situation to our favor? Of course, I was also desperate to save our lives..."

"'Desperate to save'... Those words are worth more than anything." Pixis said. "What do you say, Cadet Jeager? Can you close the gap?"

"I... I... I'm not sure. I don't understand this any more than the rest of you. It'd be irresponsible of me to answer as if I knew either way." Eren replied honestly.

"Oh right, sorry. I asked the wrong question. Will you do it or not? Which is it?"

Eren's look changed, his eyes had no doubt anymore, they were full of determination.

"I'll do it. I will do it! I'm not certainthat I can close the gap, but I'll still do it!"

Unwanted Power: An Armin Arlert Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now