20. Ancient tales

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Commander Erwin had been arrested and question for the actions that happened in Stohess. Hange was in charge of getting Annie under custody, chaining her crystal and sending her to a cellar. Mikasa, Armin and Levi took Eren to the Stohess headquarters to get checked and rest, Lexie was about to go with them when she noticed it, the face in the wall. When Annie was climbing, she created a hole in the wall with her crystalized fingers, and now, a titan was seen from the inside of the Wall.

Suddenly, Pastor Nick rushed to Lexie and put a hand on her shoulder.

"P-Pastor Nick..." She recognized, making Hange turn to them too.

"Whatever you do, don't let the light hit that titan!" He urged. She stared and turned to Hange with a pleading look, Hange nodded.

"Find something to cover the hole!"

While Hange took care of that and violently tried to question Pastor Nick for answers he never gave, Lexie ran, she ran to her home in Mitras, she needed answers.


After everyone was questioned, Eren stayed under the custody of the Survey Corps. Thanks to the capture of Annie, Levi was no longer his babysitter and he was now a normal soldier. The next day after the whole attack, Lexie had yet to be seen, no one from the military actually had. Armin had asked around for her, but no one could give him a straight answer, it was like she had disappeared. He arrived to visit Eren, Mikasa was already there and he had hoped Lexie would have visited Eren too.

"Guys, has Lexie come visit by any chance?" Armin asked.

"No, I haven't seen her since we got Annie." Mikasa answered.

"Sargent Hange said she ran away after they got Annie, she thought she was coming with us, but..."

"I'm sure she is ok, maybe she's giving her version of the facts." Eren said.

"No, she wasn't questioned and her testimony was not asked nor voluntary given. I checked." Armin said.

"So she just... left?" Mikasa asked.

"I don't know..." Armin trailed off, trying to think of where she could be.

"Don't worry, Armin. She'll come back." Eren said.

"What makes you so sure? What if she's done with the military? What if she's asked to do some royal duties? What if her parent's don't let her come back?" Armin started panicking. "Wait... her parents! What if she went home?"

"To be honest, if I had parents to go back to, I'd also look for them after something like this." Eren said and the three of them stayed silent.

"Yeah... me too." Armin said.

"She wouldn't have left us without a reason. She'll be back, or she'll send a message. Don't worry." Mikasa comforted, but Armin was still anxious.

Later, that same day, they were told that Wall Rose had been compromised, titans were inside and they needed to evacuate and help the towns they could. Commander Erwin prepared a special team to help and also to find out answers. Armin, Mikasa and Eren went to climb into the cart they were assigned in, Hange, Levi and Pastor Nick were soon to join. Armin asked out loud how could the titans broke Wall Rose since there wasn't a gate anywhere near the sightings. Mikasa and Eren couldn't follow his train of thought, he missed Lexie, she would help him settle his thought.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. Took longer to prepare than I thought." Hange said when they arrived with Pastor Nick.

"He's, uh. He's a priest from the Order of the Walls." Eren noticed.

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