Chapter 24: Meeting the Mer-pups

Start from the beginning

Samuel: Okay. Leave the DNA testing to me.

Emily: And I take it that while Samuel does that, you will be talking to Coral to get more information out of her?

Terry: You are correct, love.

Ryder: Okay. Let's head over to the Flounder. Capt Turbot will be waiting for us.

The team got over to the docks just in time for Capt Turbot to take off.

Capt Turbot: Okay Teens, this will perhaps be the most terrific tale that you will get to total telling in time.

Owen: Not that we don't believe you, Capt Turbot. But we still have our doubts to whether or not if you, Ryder, and the pups are telling the truth about the Mer-pups. We heard about them, but as far as we know, they are only fictional.

Terry: Actually, I believe that you are all onto something. Me and Samuel are hoping that we could find more things to learn.

Samuel: Yes. In fact, Terry is going to have to interview Coral as well as talk to Moby. But while he does that, I will have to collect some DNA samples from Skye and Coral.

Capt Turbot: Smart. It is imperative that we see a complete conformation of the cousin relation of the cockapoos.

Just then, Coral along with the mother and baby Mer-pup have shown up to the Flounder.

Coral: Hello, Ryder. Oh I see that you have brought some new friends. Hello.

Terry: So you must be Coral. Skye and the Pups did tell us much about you. For our introduction, My name is Detective Terry Hoffman. These are my friends Daronde', Samuel, Cubby, Owen, and my girlfriend Emily.

Owen: So the Mer-pups do exist in the present.

Chase: Told you.

Everest: Hello. Coral. We have not been properly introduced. My name is Everest.

Coral: Nice on meeting all of you.

Samuel: Coral, could you come on deck for a second?

Coral: Sure. What are you going to do?

Terry: Samuel here, needs to collect some hair samples from you, so we can do a DNA test. He already got Skye's DNA. We just need yours as well.

Coral: Ah, I see. But why would you need to have a look and me and my cousin's DNA?

Samuel then takes a strand of hair from Coral.

Samuel: We need to do a test, because we have to find out if you and Skye are family members. You might know the lyrics of the same song, but that is not enough to know for sure.

Terry: But that is not the only issue here. We also need to have more information about your parents. We know about Skye's backstory, but not by much. We have to look into both of your parents, and see if they are connected somehow. Samuel can handle the DNA. But you can leave the parents search to me. Coral, if you can tell me what you know about your previous life before moving to Puplantis, I can do further research about your parents. But if they are still around, we will have to find them. I am sure that they could be worried about where you are. Same goes for Skye. But I also need to talk to Moby. Do you know where he is?

Coral: He is most likely in his underwater lair. I can show you, and are free to see him, but I don't know if he will listen to you. Moby isn't much to visitors.

Terry: Nonetheless, he still has to listen to what I have to say. Moby might be a shut-in, but everything is impermanent. Now pups, shall we enter?

Pups: Yes.

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