Chapter 32

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Hope and Raf were in the woods looking for the Croatoan, and Rafael was trying to hit on Hope. Meanwhile, Lizzie, Landon and Stiles were sitting in a room hiding from the very same monster Hope and Raf were hunting.

"What is that?" asked Landon as Lizzie put down a black candle with golden writing on it.

"A dark object from the school archives" Lizzie replied. "Once I light it, nothing supernatural can get inside. This should prevent you from becoming Croa-toast" she continued.

Stiles held back a chuckle. "Um, I saw you and Hope hanging out. Do you know if she's seeing anyone?" Landon asked.

"Shouldn't you be focusing on Josie?" Lizzie asked, eyeing Landon weirdly.

"Uh, yeah. I was asking for Rafael," Landon explained. "Good," Lizzie replied.

And then Lizzie and Landon had a conversation that made things really awkward for Stiles.

"Landon, tell me, where do you stand on Ewoks?" Lizzie asked, changing the subject.


They had moved to the kitchen and Landon was making a sandwich as he and Stiles rambled on and on about Ewoks, boring the mind out of Lizzie.

"I mean, they're basically teddy bears, and who hates teddy bears?" Landon asked.

"Exactly what I'm saying" Stiles agreed.

"I mean if you hate teddy bears, that's on you. That's all I'm saying" Landon continued. "Especially teddy bears who took down the Empire," Stiles added.

"And that's where I stand on Ewoks," Landon told Lizzie.

"That's fascinating" Lizzie said with boredom in her tone. She took Landon's sandwich and took a bite.

"I'm gonna go take a nap" she then added.

Then a dark figure came up to them and Lizzie's awesome remark was: "Oh." Then it grabbed her by the throat and his hands transformed into some sort of tentacles. Lizzie began to scream but then Stiles took up a knife and cut the things hand or tentacle or whatever, off.

The three of them ran away screaming, as the Croatoan came after them.

They ran into the library and closed the door behind them.

"I thought the candle was supposed to keep the monsters out," Stiles said, pointing at the still lit candle.

"Me too, it was supposed to keep them from getting to you" Lizzie answered, pointing at Landon at the end.

"Lizzie, it didn't go after me," Landon said. "It's after you."

"I need help" Landon said, trying to keep the door shut, but was having a hard time doing so with the Croatoan constantly pushing it open. "Why does everyone assume I have super strength?" Landon complained.

"Trust me, no one thinks that," Lizzie laughed, flipping through a book. Stiles sat back, trying not to get in the way. He was looking at some of the books in the bookshelf trying to find something that could help.

The phone began to ring and Lizzie closed her book, then looked at Landon and then Stiles, who both stayed still. "Fine, I'll get it," Lizzie said, a bit agitated. "Hello," she answered. "It's me, MG," MG's voice said over the phone. Stiles found it kinda funny that he hadn't called Lizzie's cell, but instead called an old time phone. Stiles of course didn't realise that the Salvatore students weren't allowed cell phones.

"I got some intel," MG added. "Talk fast," Lizzie told him. "Apparently, back in the day, this sketchy vamp of the Old World was nibbling on the settlers of Roanoke. There was this one witch that he was courting. She wanted to get to the bottom of who the secret killer was in the village. She said she was gonna manifest this demon creature that could sniff out the killer in their midst. A monster that fed on secrets."

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