Chapter 22

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I know its quite random but I wanted to do a chapter where the pack could like get to know Hope and what she's been through a bit better, so there will be some video's in this chapter

The next day Hope stayed at home to try to get some sleep. She woke up to the front door opening then closing. She got dressed and then walked out of her bedroom to see the door to Stiles's bedroom open. She walked in and saw Stiles pacing back and forth, Cora sitting on his bed and Noah standing by the window looking utterly confused. Cora saw Hope and motioned for her to sit down next to her. Hope sat down and Cora explained what had happened and what Stiles was about to do, in a whisper. Suddenly Stiles stopped pacing and walked up to his dad. "Yes, okay. No, oh-" he began, "Stiles!?" Noah said, getting impatient. "Dad, I'm sorry, okay, I'm just- I'm trying to- I'm just trying to figure out how to start here." "Hey. I don't have this kind of time" Noah said. "Um. For the last year. You've had all these cases that you couldn't figure out, right? I mean all the murders involving Kate Argent. And then Matt killing all the people who had drowned him, and all these murders right now. It's like, it's like you've been playing a losing game" "Stiles. The last thing I need right now is a job performance review from my own son" Noah cut in. "Okay, see, but that's, that's just it, dad. The reason that you're losing the game is cause you've never been able to see the whole board" Stiles continued, taking out a chessboard. "I need to show you the whole board."

(A bit later)

Stiles had put post-it notes on chess players. Three had pink notes, three had purple, one had yellow and one blue. "Scott and Derek are werewolves?" Noah asked in disbelief. "Yes," Stiles answered. "And Kate Argent was a werewolf?" He asked. "Hunter. Purple means hunter" Stiles corrected him. "Along with Allison and her father," Cora added. "Yeah, and my friend Deaton, the veterinarian, is a Kanima?" "No, no, no, no, no. He's a Druid, okay? Well, we think." "So who's the Kanima?" Noah asked. "Jackson," Stiles replied. "No, Jackson's a werewolf," Noah pointed out. "Jackson was a Kanima first and then, Peter and Derek killed him, and he came back to life as a werewolf. And now, he's in London" Stiles explained. "Why was Jackson the Kanima?" Noah asked. "Cause sometimes the shape that you take reflects the person that you are," Stiles said. "And what shape would an increasingly confused, and angrier by the second father take?" Noah asked. "Uh, that would be more of an expression... Like the one you're currently wearing" Stiles answered. "Yeah" Noah stood up and was walking for the door. "Dad, dad, please, I can prove it, okay?" Stiles said, also standing up. "What are you going to tell me next? That Hope's a unicorn?" Noah asked, getting a bit angry. "Actually there once was a person that thought I was a unicorn," Hope said, remembering the day she told Landon about who she really was. "That's enough." Noah said, angrily. At that moment Cora passed out. Noah rushed up to her and then said "call an ambulance."

Noah went with Cora to the hospital and the rest of the pack (Scott, Stiles, Allison, Lydia, Hope, Isaac and Peter) were at Derek's place. "Where is he?" Scott asked, pacing around Derek's loft. "He will come, he's just worried about Cora," Hope said, understanding why Derek wanted to make sure everything was okay with his little sister.

The door to the loft opened and Derek walked in. "How's Cora?" Stiles asked. "She's gonna be okay," he answered. Hope, Stiles and Lydia sat around the table, while the others stood.

They talked about the murders and what they were going to do about it for a while until Peter suddenly spoke up for the first time. "Since we're all here, I have some questions for the so-called tribrid," he said. "What do you mean by 'so-called'" Hope asked. "I just mean that I've been thinking, and I don't believe your whole story about the original vampires, witches and this whole other werewolf species. And definitely not the part about you being a tribrid. I want proof" he said.

Hope flashed her golden-yellow eyes. "Every werewolf can do that," Peter said, flashing his eyes. "Well I can't do magic right now" Hope said. "And why not?" Peter asked. "You see this bracelet?" Hope asked, pointing at the bracelet she was wearing. "It prevents me from using magic"

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