Chapter 8

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Everybody had sat down at a desk and class was just starting. Hope sat down behind Stiles when she came in. Stiles was sitting on the left side of his friend Scott. Lydia sat down besides Stiles which only left one place left for Allison to sit down, and that was in front of Scott.

Scott looked kind of nervous and was looking all around him to see if there were any other places free, but there were none. "Is someone..." Allison began "No. No, no, no, no. No, it's all you, all yours. It's totally vacant" Scott ranted. Allison smiled at Scott's answer and sat down.

Stiles gave Scott a terrible reassuring thumbs up. Hope didn't even need supernatural hearing to hear what went down between the two teens. She leaned closer to Stiles and whispered "What's up with those two?" "They used to date and it didn't really work out" Stiles answered, also whispering.

Suddenly everyone's phone started ringing, except Hope's of course, because she didn't have one. The Salvatore school didn't allow phones.

Everybody took up their phone and looked at the text they got. Then a voice started talking. "The Offing was barred by a black bank of clouds and the tranquil waterway, leading to the uttermost ends of the earth flowed somber under an overcast sky, seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness" a woman said as she walked into the classroom.

"This is the last line of the first book we are going to read. It is also the last text you will receive in this class." The woman informed the class.

"Phone's off, everyone," she added. Hope was wondering how the teacher got everybody's phone number, but she put the thought aside.

"And class, we have a new student, Hope Marshal. Come up here and tell us something about yourself" the teacher said. "Umh, I'm fine thank you" Hope answered not wanting to tell the whole class something about her.

"It was not a request, dear," the teacher said. Hope stood up and walked to the front of the class. "Tell us three things about you, and then you can take your seat." Hope didn't like the energy this woman was giving, but did as she was told anyway. "My name is Hope, I'm originally from New Orleans, I like painting, and my favourite animals are wolves." Hope said and walked back to her seat.

"Thank you, Ms. Marshal, my name is Ms. Blake."

As Hope was sitting down she noticed that Allison was handing Scott a note, which he opened and then started writing something on the same note.

Principal Thomas then walked in and whispered something into the teacher's ear, and walked out again. "Mr. McCall?" she said and pointed him to come, he packed his things and walked out of the classroom with her.

Scott didn't come back and the class continued. Hope was bored out of her mind. She had read this book at the Salvatore school two years ago and they had this big exam so she remembered everything that happened in the book.

"Ms. Marshal?" Ms. Blake said. Hope looked up from her notebook. Ms. Blake walked over to Hope and took her notebook up. "As much as I enjoy your talent, I can't allow you to draw in my class, you are supposed to be reading chapter one through three" Ms. Blake said.

"What was she drawing?" a boy in the front of the classroom asked. "That's none of your business" Hope answered. "If you don't want to share with the class then you shouldn't have been drawing in the first place.

Hope knew what Ms. Blake was doing. She thought that by showing the drawing to the class she was punishing Hope, but Hope didn't care. She knew she was a good artist, so why hide it?

"You're right," Hope said, standing up. Hope took her notebook and walked in front of the class. "This is what I was drawing," she said as she held the book up for the whole class to see. In her notebook was a wolf, howling at the full moon, with glowing yellow eyes. "Are you happy now?" Hope asked Ms. Blake.

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