Chapter 24

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"A person went missing last night." Stiles informed Lydia and Hope, who were sitting in Lydia's living room. "What can I do?" Lydia asked.

One of the Alphas from the Alpha pack had tried to strangle her at the school's recital, but thankfully Scott came just in time.

"I mean I get that I'm some kind of, like, human geiger counter for death. But I don't know how to turn it on and off yet. All I know is that they tried to kill me because of..." Lydia said, suddenly stopping. "Because of what?" Hope asked. "Hey Lydia? What?" Stiles asked when Lydia didn't respond. "Because they called me a banshee," she finished.

"Wait, aren't banshee's like the harbinger of death?" Hope asked. "Yeah they are," Lydia answered, a bit confused about Hope's questions. "Well according to Irish mythology, whenever a banshee appears, death is not far behind." Hope said. "Well, I mean, I always appear after the actual death," Lydia explained.

"Wait, I think I have a book about supernaturals here somewhere." Lydia stood up to look for the book. "Here it is," she said, putting down a book titled, supernaturals and other magical beings. "You just happen to have that lying around?" Stiles asked. Lydia ignored him, opened the book, and started looking.

"Banshees can hear voices in their heads. Often leading them, subconsciously, to murder scenes. They sometimes write or draw messages from the voices subconsciously. While banshees get early indications that someone is going to die, their ability lacks precision and banshees offten don't seem to be in complete control of their abilities" Lydia read out loud.

"Where did you get this book?" Hope asked. "It was my grandmother's," Lydia replied.

Stiles's phone then rang. "Hey Scott" he answered. "Really? That's awesome. I'll tell the girls" he said and hung up. "Tell us what?" Hope asked, curiously. "Scott and Derek made some kind of bargain or something with Deucalion so he and the pack are gone. At least for now" Stiles informed the girls. "So the deaths are gonna stop?" Lydia asked. "Yeah, I think so."

Stiles's phone buzzed, he took it up and looked at the screen. "Uh Hope, we should get going. My dad wants us home" Stiles told the auburn-haired girl. "Yeah ok. See ya later Lydia" Hope said "Bye" Lydia replied.

"You were kind of cute when you were young," Stiles suddenly said as the two walked down the street. "Were?" Hope asked, raising an eyebrow. "You know what I mean" Stiles chuckled, shoving Hope slightly to the side.

"I can't even begin to imagine what it must have been like for you, to experience all that at seven and losing your dad at that age" Stiles said, all humour gone. "I normally try not to think about it but these past days i've kinda had too. And it's reminding me how much he and my family love and have sacrificed for me, and I've never been sure if I'm worth that."

Tears were forming in Hope's eyes. The street lamps around them flickered slightly. Hope closed her eyes shut, took a deep breath and then opened them, tears streaming down her cheek.

"Look, Hope. I may not have known you for that long but you are worth every sacrifice."

"I just miss them, and I wanna go home" Hope said, more tears coming from her eyes.

"Hope?" Noah's voice asked, sounding concerned. "What happened? Are you okay?"

Noah had been waiting for the teens at the doorway when he saw Hope.

"I'm fine," Hope said, wiping away her tears and forcing up a small smile. "I'm gonna go to bed." And with that she went inside the house and upstairs to her room.

"What happened?" Noah asked Stiles when they walked in. "She just misses her family" Stiles answered, walking upstairs towards his own bedroom. 

I know I haven't updated  in a long time and I'm sorry the chapter is short. I have major writers block and it is sooooooo annoying. I'll try to write and update more but I can't promise anything. Sorry for the wait but please vote and comment💜

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