Chapter 14

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"The two of you will wash all the boards in this hall" Mr. Harris said, pointing at two students. "Reshelving the library," he told two other students. "Restocking the janitor's closet" he told Isaac, Allison and Hope.

"Oh, Mr. Harris?" Isaac began. Then he walked up to Mr. Harris and asked in a whisper "does it have to be with them?"

"Now that I know that you prefer not to, yes, you have to be with them" Mr. Harris said. Loud enough for Allison to hear, though Hope had heard Isaac's whisper.

"Great" Isaac whispered.

The three teens began to restock the janitor's closet. "Are you okay?" Allison asked Isaac when they walked into the closet. "Yeah, yeah, I'm just not a big fan of small spaces" Isaac replied.

"I once knew someone who didn't like small spaces either" Hope said, more to herself than to the other two. She was thinking about Landon. But, after MG had compelled him to forget the supernatural and the Salvatore school, he was living his own life.

"Who?" Allison asked, eager to know more about Hope's past. "Just some boy who lived in a town near my old boarding school" Hope said, once again, sparing the details.

"Just some boy?" Allison asked, trying to tease Hope. "It wasn't like that, we were friends but I wasn't really allowed to be in the town that much. His, umh, brother just started to go to the school" Hope said. She didn't want her new friends to think that there was something wrong so she decided to talk a bit about her past so they'd stop thinking that she was this mystery girl who just showed up and didn't tell anybody anything.

"But he didn't?" Isaac asked, confused. "Uh no, there was just this thing going on in his life that he had to take care of. I don't really know much" Hope said. Everything she had said before was built on the truth, but not the last statement. That was a lie, and Hope didn't like lying to her friends.

Hope took some stuff from the closet and went out.

"Can I ask you a question?" Allison asked Isaac. "Do you have to?" Isaac asked. "I guess not," Allison replied. "I'm gonna ask anyway. Did you tell anyone that I was at the school the other night?" she asked.

"Was I supposed to?" Isaac asked. "It would make me really happy if you didn't," Allison told him.

"Yeah, well, you being happy really isn't a big priority of mine, since you stabbed me, 20 times, with knives" Isaac said, not sounding too happy about it.

"They were actually Chinese ring daggers, but" Allison began "oh" Isaac said "Sorry" Allison finished. "Was that an apology?" Isaac asked.

"Would you accept an apology?" Allison asked. "Who's apologizing?" Hope asked as she walked back in. "Oh it's nothing, just something that happened between me and Allison" Issac said.

"Something?" Hope asked, lifting a brow. "Nothing like that," Allison quickly said. "Okay" Hope said, smirking at Allison.

Suddenly the closet door closed and everything went dark. Barely enough light to see each other. "No, no, no," Isaac said, trying to open the door. "Maybe it locked from the outside," Allison suggested.

"No, there's something up against it," Issac said. "Okay, okay, okay" Isaac whispered, starting to panic.

"Okay, all right. Just relax" Hope said, trying to calm Isaac down. "No," he said. "Isaac relax" Hope said.

Isaac started to knock on the door again and again and again. "Isaac?" Allison asked.

"Come on, come on." Isaac said to the door, then banged his hand on it. "Isaac," Hope said. "Come on," Isaac whispered. He was breathing rapidly and it looked like he was having a panic attack.

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