Chapter 27

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"Hope" Noah called from downstairs. "Yeah?" Hope called back, not bothering to go down. "There's someone here to see you"

Hope rushed down, when she stopped at the edge of the stairs she saw her aunt Rebekah standing in the living room. "Aunty Bex?" Hope asked, not really believing that she was there. "Hope?" Rebekah said with tears in her eyes. Hope rushed to her aunt and gave her a big hug. "I'm so glad to see you," Hope said, tears also forming in her eyes.

"We were so worried, Marcell went to every town in town and Kol and Davina have been searching everywhere in Louisiana and Virginia for you. Freya and I have been working on this very complex locator spell with Vincent's help."

"Never thought I'd end up in California?" Hope asked with a chuckle. "No, that did not cross our mind" Rebekah confirmed, also releasing a small chuckle. "I tried to call you guys but I guess the town is in a pretty bad shape," Hope said.

"With us all focusing on finding you, the town's repair has been going slowly" Rebekah confessed.

"Wait, I mentioned spells and witches in front of this man, does he know?" Rebekah suddenly realized.

"Yes, he has been helping me for the past year, he even let me stay here and enrolled me in school. Though I would have been okay with skipping that part"

Noah chuckled at Hope's statement. "Thank you for taking care of my niece," Rebekah said sincerely to Noah. "Should we get going, Hope? I have a private airplane waiting" Rebekah said "Rebekah?" Hope said accusingly. "I paid for it, I swear" Rebekah said, pretending to be hurt. "Where's Stiles? I want to say goodbye to him before we go" Hope asked Noah.

"I think he went out," Noah answered. Just then the front door opened and five teenaged kids walked in. "Guys? What are all of you doing here?" Hope asked. "Dad texted saying that your aunt was here so we wanted to say goodbye" Stiles answered.

"Aren't aunts supposed to be old? Hope's aunt is far from looking old" Isaac whispered to Allison. "She's kinda hot," he added. "Isaac," Hope said, "my aunt is a vampire, which means she has supernatural hearing." Hope let out a small chuckle when she saw Isaacs face turn red. Rebekah just smiled. "Are these your friends?" she asked, happy that her niece hadn't been alone the past year.

"Aunt Bex, these are Stiles, Scott, Isaac, Allison and Lydia" (she said the names in the same order as the kids were standing in, so Lydia closest to the door.)

"Nice to meet you all" Rebekah said, still smiling. "Hope, we should be going, the rest of our family is dying to see you, pack your stuff and we'll be on our way," Rebekah said and Hope went upstairs to pack her things. She had gotten many cool things from her mothers house, like grimoires, old photos, books and drawings she had made when she was younger.

"Hope came back down with a small suitcase and a backpack she had bought when she first moved into the Stilinski house.

Hope said her goodbyes to her friends and Noah, then she and her aunt went outside to the car Rebekah had 'rented,' well she said she rented it but Hope wasn't so sure, but she didn't really care because she was going to see her family again.

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Hope in Beacon HillsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora