Chapter 11

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Hope saw Stiles and Scott get out of Stiles's car. She walked up to them only to hear something she probably was not supposed to hear.

"All right, so we meet at Derek's at 5:00 to go over the plan and then we don't get started until dark" Scott told his friend. "What plan? And who's Derek?" Hope asked as she walked up to the two boys.

"Uh, Derek is a friend from, umh, somewhere else, and he is going to give us some lacrosse tips" Scott lied. "I see," Hope said, not really buying it, but let it be.

Hope couldn't sleep, which wasn't anything new. She went out for a walk and to her surprise she saw Allison walk up to a closed bank.

Hope saw Allison use a massive plier to cut the chains on the bank's front door. Allison walked in and Hope quickly followed.

"Invisique" she muttered before walking into the bank. At the same time, Stiles, Derek and Scott were going over the plan to get into the bank, while Peter was just watching.

'What are you doing Allison?' Hope asked herself. The bank was dark and creepy, and Allison went there all alone. 'Why?' Hope thought.

Hope had now followed Allison around the bank for a while now, still not knowing why she was there in the first place.

A girl grabbed Allison and pinned her up to a wall. Hope was getting ready to attack this girl when Allison said "Ms. Morrell?" 'So she knows her?' Hope thought.

"Keep your mouth shut, and listen close. You have no idea what you just stepped into. Right now you've got maybe 20 seconds to get your ass hidden." The girl or Ms. Morrell said.

"What are you doing?" Allison asked. "Get in that storage closet over there. Lock the door. When you hear the fighting start, that's when you come out." Ms. Morrell said "What fighting?" Allison asked, sounding a bit frightened. "You'll hear it. Now go!" Ms. Morrell yelled.

Allison did as she was told and went into the closet. Hope wasn't sure if she should go with Allison or stay. In the end she decided to go with her into the closet.Allison closed and locked the closet door right after Hope sneaked inside it. The girls heard footsteps coming.

Hope opened a big plastic flask of Ammonia to cover their scent. Because she was sure that the people outside weren't just some normal people. Thankfully Allison didn't notice that the Ammonia flask opened itself.

Allison put on the flashlight on her phone and looked around the closet. 

She then saw a body, a dead body. It's Erica. Allison gasped in horror but quickly covered her mouth with her hands.

Derek and Scott have broken into the vault. "Boyd?" Derek asked. Boyd growled and slowly walked towards them.

"Boyd?" Derek said again. But Boyd just continued growing."It's me," Derek said. "It's Derek," he told Boyd.

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