Chapter 25

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The next day Hope, Lydia, Stiles, Isaac, Allison and Scott were walking around downtown.

"Hope?" an unsure voice asked. Hope turned around and saw Landon standing behind her. "Landon?" Hope said, surprised. "What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Dr. S sent me and MG on a little field mission," Landon explained. "Wait, Dr. Saltzman sent you? Why would Ric send you? I thought you went home after, umh Raf, went to the boarding school" Hope said, trying not to mention anything she wasn't supposed to.

"It's okay Hope, I know," Landon told her. "What? How?" Hope asked, surprised once again. "When MG compelled me to leave and forget the school for the second time, it didn't work. And turns out I'm a phoenix" Landon informed Hope.

"Wow, a phoenix? So everything is okay in Mystic falls?" Hope asked, trying to figure out how she got to Beacon Hills.

"Yeah, kind of," Landon answered. "How was it in New Orleans, and why didn't you come back?" he asked.

"New Orleans? What do you mean?" Hope said, not knowing what the boy was talking about. "You went to visit your family after the whole dragon thing. And when I came back you were gone" Landon said.

"What dragon thing?" Hope asked, getting seriously confused. "You don't remember?" Landon asked.

"No. I remember you leaving after MG compelled you but then nothing. And I woke up here" Hope told him.

"Well, you fought a dragon, and won. Almost attended to kill me, and then you went to see your family in New Orleans. Or so I was told. I wasn't around when you left" Landon said.

"Uh Hope? Who's that?" Lydia asked.

The pack stopped when Hope walked up to a boy they didn't recognize. They waited for a moment but then got curious and walked up to them.

"Oh, guys, this is my friend Landon. He is from my old school. "The boarding school for-?" Allison asked, not finishing the sentence. "Yeah"

"Look's like you've made some new friends," Landon said. "Yeah, you know me, I have always been surrounded by people," Hope joked. Landon laughed which made the pack kinda confused.

"I didn't have many friends at my old school because of who my family was," Hope explained when she saw how confused they all were.

"They know?" Landon asked. "Yes, they know," Hope answered.

"Hope?" MG's voice asked, as the boy walked up to her and Landon. "What are you doing here? I thought you were in New Orleans" he said.

"Apparently everybody does," Hope replied. "Who are those people?" MG asked, looking at Hope's friends. "These are my friends, Lydia, Stiles, Scott Allison and Isaac," Hope said, pointing at her friends. "Guys, this is MG and Landon," she said, introducing her old classmate and friend.

"Wait, Landon? As in the one your uncle mentioned?" Lydia asked, remembering the name. "Yes," Hope answered. "Your uncle mentioned me? When? Why?" Landon asked, confused. "Do you remember when you worked at the Grill? And the thing with Connor?" "Yeah" "Well, before that you met my uncle Elijah," "Oh yeah, I remember" Landon said, remembering when he met Hope's uncle.

"You met one of the Original vampires and didn't tell me dude?" MG asked, shocked. "Well, I didn't know what he was at the time and I've been trying to forget that day, so..." Landon explained.

"What are you guys here for anyway?" Isaac asked, drawing the boys's attention to the pack. "We're looking for something," MG said. "What are you looking for? Maybe I can help," Hope offered. "It's an old artifact called the Ascendant." "That sounds cool," Isaac cut in. "I actually know where it is," Hope said, rolling her eyes playfully at Isaacs comment. "Where?" Landon asked, eagerly. "I saw it an antique store the other day"

"We need to get it, quickly, before someone buys it," MG said, starting to worry a little. "I bought it, so it wouldn't get in the wrong hands," Hope said. "It's at my mom's house," she added.

The eight teens walked up to the house that Hayley left for Hope. They walked upstairs to Hope's old bedroom where she went up to a bookshelf and muttered something. Suddenly a weird looking thing appeared. Hope picked it up and gave it to MG.

"Thanks. Uh do you maybe happen to know where we could get Blue Calamus?" he asked. "I know," Scott said. "My boss has many herbs and I think I once saw a jar labeled 'Blue Calamus'." he added

"Why do you need truth weed?" Hope asked, curiously. "I don't know. Dr. Saltzman said we were low on Blue Calamus supplies and asked us to get some more."

Scott led the teens to his work.

When they arrived and Scott had explained to Deaton what they needed, Stiles went to talk to him in private.

"Where's he going?" Landon asked, his eyes following the dark haired boy. "Don't know," Hope answered. When Stiles had left to talk to Deaton, Hope got curious, but she didn't listen in on their conversation.

"Here" Scott called holding a jar half full of dirt and with a tiny green plant beginning to grow. "How much for it?" MG asked Deaton as he walked towards them.

"I hear you're a phoenix," Deaton said to Landon. "Yeah" he answered verily. "If it's not too much of a problem, I'd like a vial of your blood in exchange for the jar."

Landon looked at Hope. "It's your choice," she said. "Didn't the witches already test it?" MG asked, directing the question to Landon. "Yeah they did," he replied.

"So what's the harm?" Deaton asked. "Do you trust him?" Landon asked, again looking at Hope.

"Not really, but I don't trust that many people," Hope told him, "but I think a small vile of blood won't do much harm," she added.

"Okay, I'll do it" Landon answered


Everyone had gone home except MG, Landon and Hope. "Are you coming back with us?" Landon asked. "I want to, but I can't, not yet anyway, there are still some loose ends here. I'll come back as quickly as I can." "Hurry, we could really use your help" MG said, and with that the boys began their journey back to Mystic Falls. 

I know some of the parts were kind of rushed and I'm sorry about that, hope you looked the chapter and the rest of the story anyway.

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