Chapter 36 - One-hit KO

Start from the beginning

 And just when I thought it couldn't get any more awkward...

 "Ah, right. Dad, I've been meaning to ask you something for a few days now." Sigewinne spoke up again.

 For some reason, an ominous feeling rose within me and sounds of warning began going off in my head as if to say that she should not say the following words out loud.

 But alas, it was too late.

 "What does 'get laid' mean?"


 Absolute and utter silence.


 Get laid?

 I cautiously turned to the most likely enraged father to see the corner of his mouth twitching up into a smile.

 A most murderous smile.

 "Is that something they taught you in school, princess?" He asked calmly.


 You are truly in for it now.

 "It's not."

 Or perhaps she isn't.

 "Where did you hear it from then?"

 "You're coworkers. I heard them talking while you were busy with paperwork."

 Wriothesley's hands clenched so hard around the steering wheel that his fingers went white.

 "Is that so? Well, that is not something for children, Winne. You shouldn't say it anymore, okay? Dad will go talk about this with his coworkers tomorrow."

 "Okay." Sigewinne nodded.

 That's it?

 Sigewinne's next question revealed that this was most definitely not the end of it.

 "Are you going to beat your friends up?"

 Wriothesley stepped perhaps just a bit too hard on the breaks at the red light after those words.

 He gave me a cautious glance before turning to Sigewinne with a forced and pained smile.

 "Sigewinne, my dearest little princess, could you perhaps not talk about your father committing assault in front of the best lawyer in the city? He might go and find himself some new clients at this rate." He chuckled nervously.

 I raised an eyebrow at him, causing him to flinch, before I let out a small chuckle and turned away.

 "The scenery outside is quite wonderful. I find myself admiring it so deeply I cannot even hear the conversation around me." I mumbled.

 In the reflection on the window, I saw how Wriothesley let out a sigh of relief and turned back to face the road just as the lights turned green again.

 As we continued towards our destination I found that I had looked more at Wriothesley than at the scenery outside.


 "Neuvillette, my dear. If you like something you have to express it, okay? I'm sorry to say but neither I nor any other can read your mind. You will have to tell me what you're thinking." My grandmother's words rang inside my mind.

 Express it, huh...


 That isn't too hard.

 So as we stopped in front of the orphanage and I got out of the car...

 "So, you'll just go inside and come out in about ten minutes?" Wriothesley asked to confirm once more.

 "Yes, thought it might take a bit longer depending on how quickly I can get a swarm of children off of me."

 "Good luck then." He chuckled.

 "Thank you and Wriothesley... I find that you are quite handsome." I told him honestly.

 He was still frozen in place as I closed the car door and took a few steps towards the orphanage.

 What is with that reaction?

 Did I confuse him somehow?

 Did I not express myself clearly enough?

 Should I have been more detailed?

 Perhaps I should go back and explain.

 Right. I probably should.

 Let's take care of that first.

 Having decided that I turned back around and went back to the car.

 I opened the door and bent down till I locked eyes with the still-frozen Wriothesley.


 I should have put it more clearly. Maybe used a few more details.

 "I find the color and style of your hair very endearing. It suits you. You have a most perfect build, well-toned muscles, and even your scars only serve to make it overall pleasing to look at."

 That should be enough right?

 But why is he still frozen?

 I opened my mouth to speak once more only for Sigewinne to reach forward from the back seat and slap her hand over my mouth.

 "Just go inside already, mister. If you say another word you might break Dad for good." She sighed.


 Break him for good?

 That wouldn't be good.

 I will go then.

 "I will be back soon. Sigewinne, please take care of your father." I said worriedly.

 For some reason, my words earned me a chuckle from Sigewinne.

 "I will make sure he regains some of his sanity by the time you get back, mister." She reassured me.


 "Would it not be best if he regained all of it?"

 While I don't fully understand the logic here, it doesn't sound good to only have some of your sanity.

 To my question, Sigewinne let out a sigh, patting her father on the shoulder.

 "That will most likely be impossible, mister."

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