"I—I've faced down worse things than you. If you want a fight—"

"Frank, don't." Hazel rose.

Next to Piper, Jason drew his sword. 

I summoned my bow and pointed it straight at him. If it came to it I would hit him enough to knock him down but little enough to where I could heal him. 

"Stop!" Piper ordered, but her voice quavered. She hadn't thought this far ahead. 

"Listen to Piper." Hazel pointed at Jason's sword. The gold blade seemed to grow heavy in his hand. It clunked to the table and Jason sank back into his chair.

Percy growled in a very un-Percy-like way. "Daughter of Pluto, you may control gems and metals. You do not control the dead."

Annabeth reached toward him as if to restrain him, but Hazel waved her off.

"Listen, eidolons," Hazel said sternly, "you do not belong here. I may not command you, but Piper does. Obey her."

She turned toward Piper, her expression clear: Try again. You can do this.

Jasper placed a hand on my shoulder and looked down at my bow. I hesitated but I lowered it.

"You will leave those bodies," Piper repeated, even more forcefully.

Jason's face tightened. His forehead beaded with sweat. "We—we will leave these bodies."

"You will vow on the River Styx never to return to this ship," Piper continued, "and never to possess any member of this crew."

Leo and Percy both hissed in protest.

"You will promise on the River Styx," Piper insisted.

A moment of tension—I could feel their wills fighting against Pipers. Then all three eidolons spoke in unison: "We promise on the River Styx."

"You are dead," Piper said.

"We are dead," they agreed.

"Now, leave."

All three boys slumped forward. Percy fell face-first into his pizza.

"Percy!" Annabeth grabbed him.

Piper and Hazel caught Jason's arms as he slipped out of his chair.

Leo wasn't so lucky. He fell toward Frank, who made no attempt to intercept him. Leo hit the floor.

"Ow!" he groaned.

"Are you all right?" Hazel asked.

Leo pulled himself up. He had a piece of spaghetti in the shape of a 3 stuck to his forehead. "Did it work?"

"It worked," Piper said, sounding pretty sure. "I don't think they'll be back."

Jason blinked. "Does that mean I can stop getting head injuries now?"

Piper laughed, exhaling all her nervousness. "Come on, Lightning Boy. Let's get you some fresh air."

Jason and Piper headed up to the outside deck. Everyone else dispersed and left the mess hall. Today had been a lot and I was starting to get tired. Though I already I wouldn't sleep tonight. Not because I didn't want to, but because I dreaded the visions I could possibly see. 

I stayed in the mess hall trying to enjoy the peace and quiet until someone sat next to me. 

"Back to following me everywhere?" I said. 

"I don't follow you." Jasper said defensively. I gave him a look that said: You so do.

We sat in silence. 

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