Chapter 46

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Melissa's Pov

I justed watch my sister died and Megan just run away from my sight. To be honest I'm not forsure if I'll see her again. I also watched the blondie get away with it. Isn't he Niall, from Ireland? Dammit it sneaky leprechaun. Probably running back to get his pot of gold. Wait Ireland, it isn't that big is it? Only 27,133 sq miles (70,273 km²). So about the size of Indiana.

"Mark! Come here please!" I yelled for my boyfriend. "You called?" He said. "Do we still have those nuclear bombs from the Cold War with Westlife (Soviet Union)?" "Yeah why?" He asked. "Bring them up very carefully." I said.

"Please tell me we're not going back to threaten them again. Because we already hav-" I cut him off. "No stupid. We're not bombing Japan or Westlife. Again. Were bombing Ireland." I said. "Good luck breaking their blockade and getting through the BRA (British Royal Air-Force)" "We can't go across the Alantic. We don't even have enough Pilots to keep them safe. We have to take the other way around. Talk to the Backstreet Boys. hopefully we can use their islands to refuel and such."

"Okay. I'll see." he said and walked out. Man this is a lot.

Ring Ring Ring

"Hello?" I answered. "Melissa?"

"O hi dad. Are you okay?"

"No Brandon ran off."


"I said Brandon ran off. We're sending fighters to look for him but please keep your eye pealed for him on the cameras." Dad said.

"Okay dad. Love you stay safe."

"I will. Love you to."

Ugh I should've known Brandon would run off as well. Their both idiots.

Megan's Pov

Zayn wasted no time and put a shock collar on me along with tying my hands together so I couldn't get it off. "Poor Poor Megan. Look at what you get yourself into." Zayn said. "So why did you come here exactly. I dearly hope it's not a distraction because if it is we have guards and troops on alert and trust me we're not going to spend much time with you." He said. " Thought if I agreed to come then you will stop hurting my family." I said. "So you surrender?" "If it's to save lives then yes."

"why don't you just sign a treaty then?" Zayn asked. "Only dad can sign treaties. If I did it would mean nothing." I said.

"You said you yourself would surrender right?" "Yes" I said ashamed. "Then say to me that your a directioner."

"What?!" shock oww that hurt my neck.

"I said say your a directioner." Zayn said getting down to my level. here goes nothing.

"I'm a directioner"


Westlife is Russia/ Soviet Union

Backstreet Boys are Southeast Asia like Vietnam, Philippians, Indonesia etc O and South Kroea

NSYNC is China, Japan, North Korea and Mongolia.

This feels weird putting American/Irish bands in Asian countries. O well it's fanfic! You make it up.

5SOS is Australia of course

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