Chapter 29: Wanderlust Pt.5

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3rd POV

Yap: (Nods) Tomorrow it is, then.

Changing into a set of clothes, the former Baron pulled out a device from his bag. It may've been quite late at night, but still, he needed to confirm something.

Yap: By the way, Ein..

Einstein: Yes?

Yap: On my way here, I've encountered a "naval exercise". Would you, by any chance, know of this?

Einstein: Oh? I wasn't aware of it. Tell me the details.

Yap: Very well. Several aircraft carriers, capable of carrying both helicopters and aircrafts. 25 cruisers, 45 destroyers. At least over half of them are carrying anti-air weapons.

Einstein: What the.. I'll look into it when I've time.

Yap: Figured you might want to know. There's something off about it. The exercise felt too staged, too prepared. Almost as if they were anticipating something.

Einstein: (Raises an eyebrow) Anticipating what?

Yap: What I intend to find out. But, I'd rather not have any business with them any longer.

Einstein: Hmm.. Good choice.

With that, they settled in for the night, each with their own thoughts.

The next day comes, and by 5 am, Yap was already awake, doing stretches and warm up after brushing his teeth and a morning shower.

Continuing his intensive indoor exercises for about 45 minutes silently, the former Baron takes only a 3 minute break, before once again getting changed.

Yap: (Gently huffs) [Some habits die hard, it seems..]

LHoCh: You always have been like that even before our battle.

Yap: [... That much is true, I suppose.]

LHoCh: You won't notice this, but among the good qualities that still remain in you are punctuality, and not easily shaken. However, the very same thing is also a bad quality of your being.

Yap: [Like?]

LHoCh: I'll be blunt. You lack the ability to pick up cues. Too rigid. How do you expect people to sympathize with you? And most of all.. that martyr complex of yours. (Sighs) I've lived for 50 millennia. Yet, even I struggle to comprehend why exactly you believe that you should've rightfully died.

Yap also lets out a sigh, albeit mentally.

Yap: [Because I was the one who made that mistake. Not them. Even if they told me to live happily without any burden, how am I exactly able to live without a care? Forgetting them? I would be equal to betraying their very hopes they've placed on me.]

LHoCh: But have you ever considered the chance or opinion that their TRUE wish was for you to live a life without worries? Worries like your past in 1985, the experiments Schicksal once did on you, the list can go on and on and on. I'm suggesting that you don't forget nor forgive your past, especially Schicksal's actions. Rather, you've said so yourself back then.



Yap: If all I've to do is continue living to spite the ever living fuck out of Schicksal, then so be it.


LHoCh: And you're going to let that flame flicker out just like that? (Scoffs) The former Baron of Schicksal I know, the Valkyrie Killer. He wasn't one to give up that easily. Have the flames for vengeance burnt itself out with time? Wasn't it supposed to only get stronger?

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