Chapter 13: Lord Herrscher of Chaos Pt.3

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3rd POV

Yap: Are you willing to sacrifice one another?

Both Siegfried and Cecilia kept quiet for a while, thinking of an answer.

Yap: It's okay. You can take your time. I can wait, after all.

Suddenly, Cecilia spoke.

Cecilia: ..No.

Yap: Hm?

Cecilia: I'm not willing to just sacrifice sir Ziggy for everyone else just because it's for the greater good. (Looks at Siegfried before looking back to Yap) Unless.. he agrees, that is.

Siegfried: Yeah. Same with Cecilia here. Even if it's Otto himself who said it, unless she's willing to do it, no way in hell am I sacrificing anyone for the "greater good".

Yap: ... I see. 

Siegfried: And one more thing, Yap.

Yap: Oh?

Siegfried: That performance you did earlier.. Was it meant for you or us?

Yap: Ah, you meant the one with 2 lances, right?

Siegfried nods, answering Yap's question.

Yap: Well.. I can't say for myself. Cecilia, who do you think the performance was meant for?

Cecilia: Um... I can't really say for myself.. But if I were to guess... For all of us?

Yap: (smiles) Correct. For Ember and Moroz, it symbolizes despite both of them being at odds with each other constantly, they still care for each other. And in the end.. both lances combine with each other to form a single lance that utilizes both their respective power, signifying that both of them still have each other despite how the world treats them. As for you both... I've already said it earlier. 

Cecilia: So.. Those lances were me and sir Ziggy?

Yap nods.

Yap: Yes. And as for me.. (lets out a defeated, longing sigh) These two lances will become a memory, thus.. It fades away in the end, while the wielder can only watch as the weapon sacrifices itself for it's wielder. No matter how much new, better lances it's wielder may have in the future, the lance that protected it's wielder by sacrificing itself will always remain a special place in their heart.

Author: Hehe foreshadowing go brr

Neither Siegfried nor Cecilia fully understood what Yap was trying to say but they could understand the concept behind it.

Siegfried: If that's the case, how would the lance that sacrificed itself feel even after it's wielder having new and better versions of it's own?

Yap: Who knows.. While at first it feels devastated, eventually it'll entrust it's successors to continue it's legacy. It's legacy to defend it's wielder. I'm no wielder of the lance, nor am I one of the lances. But perhaps... I might be the cause of the destruction of the lance which gave away it's life and purpose for it's wielder.

Cecilia: [Is... that what's going to happen to him?]

Yap: After all.. Not everyone can be a hero, sir Ziggy, Cecilia. To be a hero means to become a villain as well. I've learnt that the hard way.

Siegfried then gets up and puts both his hands on Yap's shoulders.

Siegfried: Yap, whatever you try to do, do NOT ever think of sacrificing yourself, okay? You're a friend of mine. A friend of the great ninja Ziggy. And a great ninja like myself will never allow their friends to be in danger or sacrifice themselves!

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