Chapter 12: Lord Herrscher of Chaos Pt.2

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3rd POV

Yap: [What.. did it mean by that?]

Putting it aside for now, Yap lets himself to rest.


Having completed their mission, both Cecilia and Siegfried visit Yap again at the medical center only to find him sleeping.

Cecilia: [He's sleeping. Better not disturb him, then. He's tired, after all. Maybe later I can get something for him to drink and eat when he wakes up..]

Siegfried: [Asleep already? Well, I can't really blame him per se. Dude stabbed himself in the gut. Even with regeneration powers, it's still gonna take energy to do so..]

After a few hours, Yap wakes up and looks to his left, seeing a certain Apocalypse, peeling an apple.

Author: How many scenes have you seen to know where this is going? And also, why apples tho? Can't it be some other fruit?

Allie: Oi. I'm supposed to be the one asking that.

Author: I mean, imagine it. If you paid attention to all those anime you watch, whenever a character is in the hospital and fruits are delivered, high chances that an apple is among them. Speaking of among-

Allie: NO.

Author: ...Ah. I've been found out.

Allie: I've seen you pulling that trick a shit load of times and I'm not falling for it again.

Author: ..Cyno that. You see, because it sounds like-

Allie: (Blasts author with the nearest heavy weaponry she can find nearby) I SAID NO!

Yap: .. A surprise to see you here, Theresa Apocalypse, A-ranked Valkyrie.

Theresa: (Still peeling the apple with a knife) Cecilia asked me to look after you. Thankfully, I'm free at the moment and because Cecilia is my friend so I agreed.

Yap: ... I see.

Yap doesn't say anything afterwards, only watching as Theresa finished peeling the apple and cutting it into slices and put them on a plate and then putting the plate on Yap's lap for him to eat.

Theresa: You can still move your hands, right?

Yap: (nods) That I can.

Theresa: Good. Because it would be quite weird if you're unable to.

Yap: Yeah, yeah.

Picking up a slice of the apple and putting it in his mouth, Theresa only looked at how she cut it, hopefully not messing it up since she was.. smol. Once, and forever.

Yap made no comment on it whatsoever and only continued eating the rest of them before putting it back on the table beside him.

Theresa: So.. Were the slices too big for you?

Yap: Nope. Not too small either.

Theresa: You... sure?

Yap: Yes. Speaking of which, has Overseer Otto have any... missions for me at the moment?

Theresa: (shakes her head) No. Grampa insisted that you should recover fully first before deploying you on a mission again.

Yap: ... I see.

Meanwhile with Otto..

Otto: [Strange.. It has been 6 years since Yap told me about Kallen.. I wonder if she did made an appearance once again? While he was on one of his missions or even while not.. Hmm. I should ask him myself.]

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