Chapter 25: Wanderlust Pt.1

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3rd POV

LHoCh: He is in safe hands. So worry not.

In the following days, Yap pondered his situation. He was a seasoned veteran, and the vengeance within him was still full. However, he knew that his body could no longer keep up with the demands of his wanderlust, if he didn't do something about it soon.

Yap: [Lord Herrscher. Are you there?]

LHoCh: That I am. Why?

Yap: [I've made up my mind.]

LHoCh: ...Oh?

Yap: [I will travel all around the world.]

LHoCh: Interesting... Alright. I have no objections regarding this matter, so go on ahead.

Yap: [In that case... alright.]

LHoCh: So, where to?

Yap: [Norway.]

LHoCh: Norway, eh? Alright.

Teleporting to Vietnam, Yap gets himself an aircraft and flies to Norway, a trip that would take him roughly 11 to 14 hours or so.

The hours passed by as Yap gazed out of the window occasionally, lost in his thoughts.

Yap: ..... [Everything seems.. so peaceful from up here. If only... If only... we didn't have these kind of borders separating us..]

Letting out a sigh as the aircraft flew on it's own, Yap tried not to reminisce of the past, but it always somehow did. 

The memories were clear as if they happened yesterday- no. As if he was watching a replay.

Missiles, bombs, naval artillery rained down upon them, Schicksal Valkyries tracking him down, and him retaliating in kind...

Would this all be left behind if he just closed his eyes and pretending as if nothing happened?

N O. In fact, N E V E R.

It has left a mark on the former Baron of Schicksal even way before he was captured by Schicksal. Schicksal was the one responsible. Schicksal caused all of this. All because the rich and powerful were threatened? Complete, total utter nonsense. Bullshit, even.

He could still hear the curses of the Schicksal Valkyries as they resorted to shooting even innocents in an attempt to lure Yap out.


Valkyrie 1: Come on out, you pathetic piece of shit!

Valkyrie 2: It's not that difficult, is it? 


All of this, combined with the bloodlust he had been nurturing ever since the loss of his parents, caused him to go into a frenzy, brutally ripping Valkyries apart.

Even as the present Yap continues to watch his past self brutally disposing Valkyries and Schicksal forces left, right and center, the Baron couldn't help extend an arm out, as if to join with his past self in eliminating the Valkyries in hopes of making a difference.

The voice of the Lord Herrscher brought him back to his senses.

LHoCh: What're you doing?

Yap: [Ah... That..] 

He inhales, somewhat unsure of what to respond to the Lord Herrscher.

Yap: [I... can't quite explain. I can't help but feel the weight of my past deeds, the anger, the bloodlust. Even now, watching those memories, I can still feel the urge to fight back, to make them pay for what they did.]

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