Chapter 24: No Pain, No Gain

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3rd POV

Yap: [Schicksal dogs like them are never meant to be trusted. What they do is only pleasing that mass murderer they call their Overseer. And all of those, for what? A woman that no longer exists?]

Seeing Squad V retreated successfully back to their dropship, Yap rubs their defeat in their faces by taking out an engine of the dropship using a sniper rifle.

Yap: [That should do for now. Still... if they're coming back... I guess I wouldn't mind.]

Seeing the limping dropship flying away, Yap sighs at such disappointment of Valkyries and Knight. 

Yap: [2 years, Valkyrie and Knight. Should you fail to improve or not return, you'll not see me again.]

LHoCh: Planning on travelling around the world by then, I assume?

Yap: (nods) [Yes. Though the world may be ugly... It is only because certain people have tainted it with their presence. But without them however... Perhaps it is my hopeful wishes speaking this. The world might just be a better place. Of course.. This may include Honkai as well. Then again... The Honkai beasts here..] (shakes his head) [Forget it.. I need to face reality. Although putting on an illusion for myself should be alright, I suppose.] 

The two of them didn't say anything afterwards, as they didn't need to. A simple, content nod was enough to get the message across shortly after.

The wind blows around Yap, him feeling it hitting his face. He didn't mind though, as the wind was rather calming for him. For but a brief moment, a mixed hint of sadness and reminiscence found it's way into his eyes before he looks at the direction of the Hyperion, now leaving.

Yap: [I wonder.... when you know that you're near the end of your life, you only start to see the things you've regretted. The things you wished you could've done but you didn't.. A lot of things, really.]

To Yap, things perhaps could've taken a different route. Maybe, just maybe. In another world, time, and place, he would be someone living a peaceful life, without any worries. That was what he wished for. To live a simple life. It may be mundane, but at least he wouldn't need to face all these traumatic experiences. Then again, this IS a Honkai Impact book made by none other than yours truly. Wholesomeness? Copium? A happy life/ending? HELL NAH! 

Ok, maybe rarely. But for most of the time? You're a clown for believing in such dumb stuff lmao.

Finally done looking into the horizon after a minute or so, Yap turns around before he continues to work on rebuilding his country that he calls home. 

Time passes, and sometime during the year of 2012 , Yap got hold of the recipe to make fireworks, he would make a batch of 250 of them in December, launching them in 1st January to celebrate the New Year's. 

Watching the fireworks soar into the skies was something that Yap liked back before the whole fiasco happened. While Calamity Burrow didn't exactly launch them per se, still the sight of fireworks being launched into the skies from the cities was always a sight to behold for Yap. He couldn't really put his finger on it, but fireworks always seem to have a special place within him.

On rare occasions like these, the Lord Herrscher would take on a physical form to accompany Yap for the day.

Yap: .. Perhaps I understand why now.

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