Chapter 28: Wanderlust Pt.4

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3rd POV

Yap: [Indeed. The skies hold more surprises than I could have imagined.]

LHoCh: And yet, you navigate them with a grace that befits a Baron. It's as if the very clouds part to make way for your journey. Perhaps, is this what they call fate? Destiny, even?

The former Baron lets out a small chuckle at that thought.

Yap: [Perhaps, Lord Herrscher. Besides, the skies have been kind to me, and those I've met so far. But there's always more to discover.]

LHoCh: (Chuckles) I suppose. Still, it is ironic. A Baron exploring the world in a private jet. How times have changed. Yet, human desires still remain very much the same.

Yap: [Indeed. It's a far cry from the days when my travels were dictated by Schicksal's orders. Now, I fly where the winds take me. And of course, you'll hear not a single complaint or objection from me regarding this.]

The private jet's engines roared to life, and the sleek aircraft taxied down the runway, gaining momentum as it prepared to ascend into the evening sky. Yap watched the world below blur into a mosaic of city lights and darkness, feeling the gentle lift as they left the ground.

Inside the cabin, the Lord Herrscher's ethereal presence lingered, observing the unfolding journey.

LHoCh: America.. Seems like a new chapter awaits you, Yap.

Yap: (mentally nods) [Yes. I myself look forward to see what they've in store for us.]

LHoCh: [If I'm not mistaken... I do recall in his memories, there was a "Liserl Albert Einstein". Interesting relationship they have. She has encountered him several times, even offering him the chance to defect from that Schicksal.. Yet he didn't.]



Yap: Unfortunately as a member of Schicksal until Otto himself fires me, I'm afraid I must stop you.

Another flashback

Yap: Better do it quickly, then. Extract what you need.

Einstein: ... Alright. I'll try to make it as painless as possible.

Yap: It'll be fine. I've been through worse at Schicksal anyway.

And another

Einstein: Joachim, I believe it may be our friend who we've asked to join us 4 years ago.

Welt's eyes widen a little, knowing what Einstein was saying.

Welt: Yap..? What's he doing here in South America?

Flashback end


LHoCh: [It's too far-fetched to call them as "friends", yet.. more than acquaintances. Just what are their relationship..?]

As the private jet soared through the clouds, Yap settled into a plush seat, surrounded by the soft hum of the engines. The colors of the sunset painted the cabin in warm hues.

Yap: [The skies are a canvas, always changing.]

The Lord Herrscher, hearing of Yap's musings, joins in.

LHoCh: [Finally. Something to take off the mind for the time being.] Much like life itself. Unpredictable, yet full of beauty, isn't it?

Yap: [It is.. it is.]

Yap's thoughts drifted to the memories of the competition in France, the friendly faces he encountered, and the stories etched in the sky.

Yap: [Lord Herrscher.... Tell me. Do you ever miss the battles, the chaos in them, especially?]

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