Prologue Pt 2: Just What Did I Do To Deserve This?

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3rd POV

Specter: Well kid, this is your life now.

Few years passed quickly within a blink of an eye. Yap has grown quite tall and has improved his skills, intellect, looks overall and control over his emotions.

The experience he gained from killing Valkyries has prompted Schicksal to send even more experienced personnel including A ranked Valkyries. However, even those were disposed of by Yap.

Calamity Burrow was slowly gaining more and more ground thanks to his effort.

???: Hmm... the humans of this... region of this planet. They show a good amount of resistance to our energy, it seems...

???2: Indeed. (Pointing at a certain spot which is zoomed in) And this... human seems to have a far greater resistance. He has even once managed to regenerate his own limbs that came off from him.

???3: (Outside the room and eavesdropping on them) [A human male having higher resistance to Honkai energy and not part of Europe? This is interesting.. I'll go have a look sometime when I'm free.]

Back to Yap..

Yap coldly stared as 3 A ranked Valkyries lay dead surrounding him and security personnel.

Ender: (slowly clapping his hands as he enters) Bra-vo. Even A ranked Valkyries now lay dead by your feet without us needing to interfere. You truly have grown, Yap.

Yap: It is nothing, uncle Ender. Such growth is only natural after much time has passed.

Ender: [He has changed, yes. But at the same time... he has killed his old self. A cheerful, innocent kid now a cold hearted, hardened killer who has nothing in his eyes except bloodlust and vengeance. I'm not saying it is bad, but once time passes even more and who knows if I'm still alive, Yap no longer will any emotions. In other words, no longer a human or Honkai.] (sigh) You really can't be joked around with nowadays, huh? Welp. Kids grow up eventually it seems.

Calamity Burrow also did some changes to the lands they've regained. Using materials seized from Schicksal ships, trucks, and whatever available to them, they've rebuilt power plants that convert Honkai energy to clean energy, new defense systems, factories, everything that a nation needs to survive. Even warships, warplanes, bunkers are built in the case of Honkai Eruption or Schicksal attacks.

Moar timeskip

At Europe...

???: Overseer Otto. We're losing more and more forces by the day in South East Asia region. The puppet governments we have installed there are slowly but surely being eliminated by an assassin.

Otto: And who is this assassin?

???: (checking the report) We do not know his name, but it is indeed a 'he'.

Otto: Interesting... Prepare a few teams. We will eliminate this threat. If possible, capture him alive. If not, do what you must.

???: Of course, Overseer.

Over the next few weeks, Europe's Schicksal begin to mobilize forces and equipment.

All to capture Yap.

Somewhere else...

???: [Huh. Humans sure are.. interesting creatures. Just because someone does something minor and then they all go crazy. Freedom? That is nothing more than just a word to deceive others. We've offered you the true peace you humans oh so desire yet you turn against us all. Perhaps I should use him as a host. Though the one that's using that... what was the name again? Oppo? Yeah whatever. I might use that male human the Oppo fellow wants captured.]

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