Sneaky Peekies Act 0

431 13 3

Author: Enjoy. Or not. IDK. Idc.


Einstein: Why did you let us take some of your blood?

Yap: (sadly sighs) In Schicksal's eyes, I'm nothing more than just a weapon. Not only that, those considered 'weapons' in Schicksal are at least better taken care of. Me? I can't even be considered a human anymore. Or a person. Even if my own life gets ended by them, I'll die at least knowing I gave their biggest competitor a good advantage over them.

Einstein: ...But why would they do that?

Yap: In their eyes, I'm nothing more than a test subject. I trust you did your research of the Great South East Asia Massacre?

Einstein: I did, yes. (nods)

Yap: And there was a survivor who was taken hostage, correct?

Einstein: Don't tell me..

Yap nods, confirming Einstein's suspicions.

Yap: That's me. (sadly laughs) Heh... Heheheh.. Fate sure is a cruel thing. Me? An important character in this story? I call that bullshit. Whoever decided to make that so called story must be a sadist in it's purest form. Taking everything away from me, yet not letting me die that easily.. Heh. 

After calming down, Yap looks at Einstein.

Yap: I'm not sure when I can leave Schicksal for good, but when the time comes, I'll make sure to inform you. I hope it won't be too late by then.

Einstein: (pats Yap) I hope so too. Farewell, Agent Yap. I hope the next time we meet will be on more... friendly terms.

Yap: ...I hope so as well, Einstein. And one more thing.

Einstein: Hmm?

Yap: ... I'm sorry for my actions during our first meeting.

Einstein: ..It's understandable. I'm sure Joachim would have understood as well.

Yap: ..Thank you.


Yap: .... [Sir Kaslana has returned to Schicksal.]

Coming face to face with Siegfried, the two males only look at each other, one with sympathy, and the other, ready for a fight.

Yap: Before we start, Sir Kaslana. Let me ask you a few questions.

Siegfried: (a little confused but complies anyway) Uh.. huh. So..?

Yap: My first question. Why are you doing this?

Siegfried: Isn't it obvious? I made a promise to Cecilia after all.

Yap: ... I see. My next few questions. Do you genuinely love Cecilia? If so, why?

Siegfried: .. I won't deny that. I promised her I would defeat her in a fair fight. And that's why I've been training for these past few years. I gotta show her what a true ninja can do, after all.

Yap: ... I see. One more thing. Once you get past me, your next opponent is Cecilia herself. I hope you're ready.

Closing his eyes, Yap points his signature sword at Siegfried before he does something Siegfried does not expect.

Yap turned the sword around and thrusted it straight into his guts.

Siegfried: !! W-what the-! What the hell are you doing?!

Theresa: !! G-g-g-grandpa! Y-y-y-Yap.. H-he j-just...

Otto: (closed eye smile) Hmm. He'll be fine after all. 

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