Chapter 19: Thunder's Awakening

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3rd POV

Y: [Something tells me that our paths will cross more than once.]

After Y leaves, life goes on as usual for the trio surprisingly well. The students that got oopsied by Y had to go through some therapy and pay a large amount of hospital fees. Naturally, being the brats as they are and also useless living parasitic specimens, their parents have went to the schools themselves and demanded the principal to find Y so that they can sue him.

Y: (Appears out of nowhere) Sue me? For threatening your worthless children?

Hoe 1, beta male 1: Y-you dare to speak of MY SON like that?

Y: They're simply threatening another student. I did what I had to do.

Bitch 2, b. m. 2: And by doing what you had to do, you traumatized them?

Y then smirks while still cloaked as the whole room's atmosphere changes.

Y: Traumatize them? I'm afraid you're mistaken, fine ladies and gentlemen. (bows) What I did was simply giving them a taste of their own medicine. Imagine if you were to be accused by your jealous co worker who said that you did something you didn't do, causing you to be thrown into prison.

All parents: ! Lies! All of them!

Y: (chuckles) Humans simply believe what they wish to see. What if I told you.. I could kill you all right here, right now and also record the process of me doing so? I'm sure your children must love that, don't you?

Beta male 3: You sick fuck-

Said beta male tries to punch Y in the face, only for Y to catch his fist, and soon a sickening crack was heard, bm 3 crying out in pain.

Y: (smirks) What a sight... Is this the best you can all offer?

Turning to the rest with the smirk still present on his hidden face, he spreads both his arms open, taunting them.

Y: Who's next?


Y: Hmph. That's all? Well then, I hope you all know what's the best for you. And your children. After all... 

Y's face was still hidden beneath the cloaks and all but the atmosphere was now very threatening to the beta male and hoes. Their very instincts are screaming danger alert to them, warning that this Y fellow is not someone to fuck with.

Y: It would be a really great shame if some students were to go... missing now, would it?

The principal and the parents are now all visibly scared at the tone Y used. He knows full well he's possible of doing it and can do it if he wishes.

Going to the door and twisting the knob followed by opening it soon afterwards, Y leaves a warning for them before he leaves.

Y: Whether you choose to heed mine words are yours to consider. Fail to do so, and at least one will be missing. This is not a warning, fair ladies and gentlemen. Have a good day ahead.

Exiting the principal's room and closing the door afterwards, the parents were still shocked from the threat from Y earlier. It wasn't just the parents though. Even the principal as well.

Principal: [T-this is dangerous... I don't think the police can even deal with this Y fellow. But... who else can we call upon, then?] Y-you all may leave for now.. I'll.. do something regarding your sons and daughters.

Parents: R-right..

And just like that, Y has vanished once more. Many questions were asked but unanswered.

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