Prologue | las luciérnagas

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Today was the day, I thought to myself. Today was the day I would receive my gift. The day that I would fit right in with my family, officially. No more being teased by Mariposa, no more feeling left out in the family, no more feeling different, I can finally confidently say my name, Taverde.

These were the words that kept repeating in my head as I restlessly jumped on my bed while I waited for Mama to choose my ceremonial dress.

"Y/n mija, settle down," Mama chimed, eyes droopy from waking up in the earliest hour, scouring my closet for the perfect dress.

"But Mama," I whined but nothing came after as I wasn't sure how to tell her exactly what I was feeling that I make me itch to move all the time, so much that sitting still was not an option not even in my train of thought. Mama only smiled before holding up the dress.

A bright green dress that looked like the fields on an early morning where the rays of the sun would seep through the blades of grass with gold stitching tracing the patterns of fireflies and sparkles.

The Taverde shade of green.

It certainly was the perfect dress.

My eyes widened at the sight of the dress before me, jumping down the bed and reaching out for it.

"Alright, let's get you dressed, the ceremony will be starting soon," Mama said as she ushered me to the bathroom.


While all of that was happening, the rest of Familia Taverde was busy preparing the firefly room, the pillars that fell into a line on each side were laced with hanging banners, and the seats were filled with Gardenias.

Iago, Y/n's father, was levitating the banners and pining them into place while Leo, Y/n's older brother, was using his gift to take out all of the dust, dirt, and sand away from the room.

Diago and Hugo, Y/n's two other brothers, helped their cousin Esperanza with cooking the meals in the kitchen along with their Tia Maria.

Tio Fabio and Mariposa were in charge of the ceremonial song and so they practiced in one of the arched pillar entrances with their tambourines, drums, trumpets, and flutes.

When the clock struck 3 in the afternoon, the Taverde family were all standing in the firefly room while Y/n stood at the very center.


It was strange seeing the cage of fireflies in front me, ever since I could see I only saw these fireflies fly around the room. I was only three when the last ceremony happened.

Papa stepped forward, standing beside the cage of fireflies as he begins the speech.

"Here, we stand as the next generation take part in our traditions, as we further the gifts that we were blessed with," Iago Taverde, my papa stated, as he looked down softly towards me.

"Y/n Lucia Taverde, hold out your hand and let the firefly choose you," he instructed.

I  faced the cage full of fireflies, my heart blazing in excitement and fear, and held my hand out. I knew what would come, my biggest fear would become my gift, it would become my identity and live with me forever. I was still excited at the thought of having super powers like my older brothers but standing now, it dawns on me, I didn't even know what my biggest fear was.

But I swallowed it all down, those doubts and fears because the pros overweighed the cons.

Because Here at this moment is where everything would change, where I would finally be like my brothers and finally feel like I belong in the familia.

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