09 - pasaron 2 años

179 17 2

The past two years living with nuns that would yell at my ear almost all the time, from morning till night, at any moment they can. 

But still, their yelling failed to instill any good morals in my thick skull. Maybe I'm the problem.


It didn't take too long before I was able to mess with the nuns in the school and take over the entire school itself. Maybe around 3 months into my stay. 

It didn't help that the head of the school absolutely hated my guts, it was so fun seeing her just turn beetroot red in anger as I succeed in yet another prank. 

"You're 15 years old yet you act like a toddler, is this really how you want to live your life, Y/n Taverde!" The said head of the school as she sat me down in her office, twice already today, convince she could finally change my attitude. 

But she's failed this past 2 years, so I don't know why she thinks she won this time when it's no different to the other times. 

"Uh huh, but maybe I do want to live my life like this... what then?" I answered, relaxing myself on the velvet seat. Mrs. Gomez' face began to turn red once more and I couldn't help but let a grin sneak past my nonchalant demeanor.

"Hey, you trapped me in this little prison, why are you so surprised I'd turn out this way. In fact, I'd say, you should be proud. No one has made it this long without any effect, right." 

Mrs. Gomez stayed quiet, trying to regain composure. 

"Y/n Taverde, your family have requested to take you back home," Mrs. Gomez suddenly spoke up as she fixed a nearby stack of papers.

I sat up straight in shock. My family regularly visits, twice a week even but we haven't spoken about me going back yet. This news was way too sudden for me.

And although staying in this school has been absolutely horrible, I can't help but admit, messing with the higher ups here has been one fun ride. 

"Really? This must be heavenly news for you, Mrs. Gomez, huh?" I teased, Mrs. Gomez glared at me.

"That is all, you are dismissed," she focused back to her paperwork.

"I hope you don't miss me too much, Mrs. Gomez!" I said as I walked out of the office, joy filling me to the brim. 

I'm finally getting out of this place!


In two days time, my family have arrived to pick me up. 

"Yo, Y/n, it's been a while!" Diago exclaimed jokingly as he jumped down the cart. 

"Oje, Diago, how are the kids!" I joked along, earning a light smack from him.

"I'm not that old idiot."

Even though my family visits often, Diago was cooped in his own boarding skill in the same big city and he finally graduate a few days ago. 

I laughed before wrapping my brother into an embrace, catching him by surprise but he hugged me eventually. 

"No hug for us?" Leo joked with his arms spread open beside Hugo, who was now an absolute giant. 

I dragged Diago as Leo wrapped all of us into a deep embrace, I could see from the corner of my eye, Papa smiling at our little reunion. 

"Woah, Hugo, you've gotten even taller," I mentioned. Diago grumbled as soon as I mentioned Hugo's height. 

"Like a monster, how did he even get that tall," he muttered. Hugo laughed at Diago's demise as he wrapped me into a tight embrace.

"Good to have you back home, N/n," he whispered to my ear. I melted into Hugo's embrace, not knowing how much I missed it. 

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