13 - el bosque

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Ever since that little slip up Papa had made, he has been shunning us and shutting us up about anything related to Casita until we were at the vineyard picking grapes where he finally broke.

"Alright! I will tell you everything," we cheered, "IF you will perform for the festival." Papa offered and I looked at Diago and Hugo and the three of us nodded.

"You're performing in the festival?" Leo asked from behind us and the three of us excitedly ran to him.

Leo has been out of town since Antonio's party, he was doing some nerdy stuff learning more about science in the big town.

"You're home early," Diago punched Leo's arm as he greeted him.

"Ow! well, class ended early and I wanted to get back home as soon as I could. I don't want to miss the festival," Leo exclaimed before walking over to me with arms wide open.

"No, no, no, hermano!" I yelped as I tried to run away from him while Leo laughed wickedly behind me. When he was so close to catching me I phased through his arms and jumped out of his grip but Leo only laughed as he began to create a small sand storm and Hugo, Diago, and Papa all giggling and laughing as we ran around the fields.

Not knowing there was a boy observing us from afar.


It was the day before the festival. My brothers and I have been practicing day and night for this performance, and I mean day and night.

I can't even remember the time where I would go to bed without my entire body feeling sore.

My brothers and I finished our final rehearsal before dinner and the entire family wouldn't stop talking about how excited they were to see us perform again.

Yes, again.

When I was younger, maybe around 4-5, my brothers and I were always performing dances during every festival. Diago would be doing flips while Hugo and Leo were known for their flexibility and elegance while I was apparently only there for the cuteness factor.

And the performing stopped when we all just got busier with our lives. Well, I got busy with getting in trouble.

"Feeling nervous about dancing again, mija?" Tio Fabio asked from across the table before he pinched Mariposa for making faces at me.

I rolled my eyes at her, "I little bit, I was only a baby when we performed."

"I don't really see why she has to perform with them, it always about the brothers," Mariposa remarked earning a glare from Esperanza.

"What is going on with you? Y/n is part of the dance group since the beginning, it's only right to include her," Esperanza defended but it wasn't exactly helping with the situation.

Mariposa was right though. I was only there because I was their sister but I wasn't exactly part of it.

Regardless, I already worked my butt off practicing this dance, I'm gonna perform.

The table went silent as we finished dinner and got ready for bed. Only then did I feel the nerves get to me.

I could feel coursing through my veins, and I could feel my heart begin to thump louder that I felt like I was being suffocated. I couldn't take it any longer, I jumped out of bed, out of my room and out to the fields where I could see all of the stars.

These were the moments where I wish Leo would be around to talk my ear off about constellations.

I held my arms as I embraced myself, trying to fight off the cold.

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